
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Becky: Intermediate, season 2, Lesson 14. An Unusual Chinese Travel Companion.
Chloe:大家好。(Dàjiā hǎo.)I’m Chloe!
Becky:Hi everyone, I’m Becky, and welcome back to ChineseClass101.com. This is Intermediate Season 2, Lesson 14 - An Unusual Chinese Travel Companion
Chloe:In this lesson you’ll learn how to express that you have done something before.
Becky:The conversation takes place at the vet.
Chloe:我们将会听到一段兽医和猫主人的对话。(Wǒmen jiāng huì tīng dào yīduàn shòuyī hé māo zhǔrén de duìhuà.)
Becky: The speakers are talking about the procedures involved in taking a cat abroad. So they will be using informal language. Okay let’s listen to the conversation.
(A: Wǒ xiǎng​​dài wǒ de māo chūguó, qǐngwèn yào bàn shénme shǒuxù?)
(B: Nǐ de māo zuò jiéyùle ma?)
(A: Zuòle. Zhè'er yǒu zhèngmíng.)
(B: Hǎo, dǎguò kuángquǎn yìmiáo, zuòguò tǐwài qū chóng ma?)
(A: Dǎguò yìmiáo. Tǐwài qū chóng shì shénme?)
(B: Nǐ zhège yìmiáo shì liǎng nián qián dǎ di, guòqíle, yīhuǐ'er jiāo fèi zhòng dǎ.)
(A: Ó, hǎo.)
(B: Wǒ gěi nǐ kāi yīgè qū chóng di yàopiàn, huíqù gěi nǐ de māo chī jǐ cì jiù kěyǐle.)
Becky: Let’s hear the conversation one time slowly.
(A: Wǒ xiǎng​​dài wǒ de māo chūguó, qǐngwèn yào bàn shénme shǒuxù?)
(B: Nǐ de māo zuò jiéyùle ma?)
(A: Zuòle. Zhè'er yǒu zhèngmíng.)
(B: Hǎo, dǎguò kuángquǎn yìmiáo, zuòguò tǐwài qū chóng ma?)
(A: Dǎguò yìmiáo. Tǐwài qū chóng shì shénme?)
(B: Nǐ zhège yìmiáo shì liǎng nián qián dǎ di, guòqíle, yīhuǐ'er jiāo fèi zhòng dǎ.)
(A: Ó, hǎo.)
(B: Wǒ gěi nǐ kāi yīgè qū chóng di yàopiàn, huíqù gěi nǐ de māo chī jǐ cì jiù kěyǐle.)
Becky: Now. Let’s hear with English translation.
(A: Wǒ xiǎng​​dài wǒ de māo chūguó, qǐngwèn yào bàn shénme shǒuxù?)
A: I would like to go abroad with my cat, what kind of procedures are there?
(B: Nǐ de māo zuò jiéyùle ma?)
B: Is your cat neutered?
(A: Zuòle. Zhè'er yǒu zhèngmíng.)
A: Yes. Here is the documented proof.
(B: Hǎo, dǎguò kuángquǎn yìmiáo, zuòguò tǐwài qū chóng ma?)
B: Okay, has it got the rabies vaccine and vitro deworming?
(A: Dǎguò yìmiáo. Tǐwài qū chóng shì shénme?)
A: It got the vaccine. But what is vitro deworming?
(B: Nǐ zhège yìmiáo shì liǎng nián qián dǎ di, guòqíle, yīhuǐ'er jiāo fèi zhòng dǎ.)
B: The vaccine was from two years ago, it's expired, you must pay for another vaccine.
(A: Ó, hǎo.)
A: Okay.
(B: Wǒ gěi nǐ kāi yīgè qū chóng di yàopiàn, huíqù gěi nǐ de māo chī jǐ cì jiù kěyǐle.)
B: I'll give you a deworming pill, feed it to your cat a few times when you get home.
Becky: It seems like there are many requirements to meet if you want to take a pet out of China. So how about taking them into the country?
Chloe:其实差不多,应该说带宠物来中国更麻烦,更复杂。通常得提前很久来做好各种准备。(Qíshí chàbùduō, yīnggāi shuō dài chǒngwù lái zhōngguó gèng máfan, gèng fùzá. Tōngcháng dé tíqián hěnjiǔ lái zuò hǎo gè zhǒng zhǔnbèi.)
Becky:Oh, really? What are the procedures then?
Chloe:首先得至少提前一个月带你的宠物去打各种疫苗,打完疫苗后还得要去开免疫证明。除了免疫,你得让兽医给你的宠物开健康证明,证明你的宠物身体没问题。还有就是你得给宠物开各种身份证明,千万别让它变成“黑户”。入境的时候这些证明都需要提交给海关。(Shǒuxiān dé zhìshǎo tíqián yīgè yuè dài nǐ de chǒngwù qù dǎ gè zhǒng yìmiáo, dǎ wán yìmiáo hòu hái dé yào qù kāi miǎnyì zhèngmíng. Chúle miǎnyì, nǐ dé ràng shòuyī gěi nǐ de chǒngwù kāi jiànkāng zhèngmíng, zhèngmíng nǐ de chǒngwù shēntǐ méi wèntí. Hái yǒu jiùshì nǐ dé gěi chǒngwù kāi gè zhǒng shēnfèn zhèngmíng, qiān wàn bié ràng tā biàn chéng “hēihù”. Rùjìng de shíhòu zhèxiē zhèngmíng dōu xūyào tíjiāo gěi hǎiguān.)
Becky:So start organizing everything as soon as you can!
Chloe:没错,千万不要临时抱佛脚。宠物到了中国后,还需要被隔离至少一个星期,所以如果不是长期停留的话,可能不带宠物会比较好。(Méi cuò, qiān wàn bùyào línshí bàofójiǎo. Chǒngwù dàole zhōngguó hòu, hái xūyào bèi gélí zhìshǎo yīgè xīngqí, suǒyǐ rúguǒ bùshì chángqí tíngliú dehuà, kěnéng bù dài chǒngwù huì bǐjiào hǎo.)
Becky: Oh that’s too bad. Okay now, let’s move on to the vocab. Let’s take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson. The first word we shall see is
Chloe: 交费 (jiāofèi)
Becky: To pay.
Chloe: 交费 (jiāofèi)
Becky: Next.
Chloe: 出国 (chūguó)
Becky: To go abroad.
Chloe: 出国 (chūguó)
Becky: Next
Chloe: 手续 (shǒuxù)
Becky: Procedure.
Chloe: 手续 (shǒuxù)
Becky: Next
Chloe: 节育 (jiéyù)
Becky: To neuter.
Chloe: 节育 (jiéyù)
Becky: Next
Chloe: 证明 (zhèngmíng)
Becky: Proof, certificate.
Chloe: 证明 (zhèngmíng)
Becky: Next
Chloe:打 (dǎ)
Becky: To hit, to give an injection.
Chloe: 打 (dǎ)
Becky: Next
Chloe: 疫苗 (yìmiáo)
Becky: Vaccine.
Chloe: 疫苗 (yìmiáo)
Becky: Next
Chloe: 体外 (tǐwài)
Becky: Vitro.
Chloe: 体外 (tǐwài)
Becky: Next
Chloe: 一会儿 (yíhuǐ'er)
Becky: A little while.
Chloe: 一会儿 (yíhuǐ'er)
Becky: And last
Chloe: 过期 (guòqī)
Becky: To expire.
Chloe: 过期 (guòqī)
Becky: Let’s take a closer look at some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Chloe:好的,今天的第一个词是“打”。(Hǎo de, jīntiān de dì yī gè cí shì “dǎ”.)
Becky:It’s a verb. And it has a lot of different meanings. In this lesson, it is put together with the word “vaccine”, in this case it means “to inject” or “to give or have an injection”
Chloe:比如说,“医生给我打了一针青霉素”。(Bǐrú shuō,“yīshēng gěi wǒ dǎle yī zhēn qīngméisù”.)
Becky:This means ” the doctor gave me a penicillin injection.” Kids are afraid of injections, right?
Chloe:确实是这样的,小孩子害怕打针。(Quèshí shì zhèyàng de, xiǎo háizi hàipà dǎzhēn.)
Becky:“Children are afraid of having injections.”
Chloe:实际上“打”这个动词有很多种意思,这取决于它和什么词放在一起用。例如,“打电话”。(Shíjì shang “dǎ” zhège dòngcí yǒu hěnduō zhǒng yìsi, zhè qǔjué yú tā hé shénme cí fàng zài yīqǐ yòng. Lìrú,“dǎ diànhuà”.)
Becky:To make a phone call
Chloe:好的,再来看下一个。(Hǎo de, zàilái kàn xià yīgè.)If you want to make your statement less abstract, you can say 打比方(Dǎ bǐfāng)
Becky:This means “to draw an analogy.”
Chloe:打人(Dǎ rén)
Becky:To hit someone
Chloe:打碎盘子(Dǎ suì pánzi)
Becky:“To break the plate.” I see, so it’d be better to memorize this word paired with other words.
Chloe:没错,这是一个很好的方法,它可以让你更准确地使用这些词,也让你记得更多。好,来看最后一个词“证明”。(Méi cuò, zhè shì yīgè hěn hǎo de fāngfǎ, tā kěyǐ ràng nǐ gèng zhǔnquè dì shǐyòng zhèxiē cí, yě ràng nǐ jìdé gèng duō. Hǎo, lái kàn zuìhòu yīgè cí “zhèngmíng”.)
Becky:This word is a verb and a noun.
Chloe:是的,这个词有两种用法。“证” 表示“证实” ,是“to prove” “to verify”的意思. “明” 表示“明白”, 也就是“clear” “distinct”的意思. 当“证明” 作名词的时候, 它常常和动词“开”搭配. 例如“开证明”。(Shì de, zhège cí yǒu liǎng zhǒng yòngfǎ.“Zhèng” biǎoshì “zhèngshí”, shì “to prove” “to verify” de yìsi. “Míng” biǎoshì “míngbái”, yě jiùshì “clear” “distinct” de yìsi. Dāng “zhèngmíng” zuò míngcí de shíhòu, tā chángcháng hé dòngcí “kāi” dāpèi. Lìrú “kāi zhèngmíng”.)
Becky:This means “to issue identification papers”
Chloe:另外一个经常和“证明”一起用的动词是“出示”。例如,“请出示证明”。(Lìngwài yīgè jīngcháng hé “zhèngmíng” yīqǐ yòng de dòngcí shì “chūshì”. Lìrú,“qǐng chūshì zhèngmíng”.)
Becky:Show your proof please.
Chloe:当“证明”是动词的时候, 它的意思是(Dāng “zhèngmíng” shì dòngcí de shíhòu, tā de yìsi shì)“to prove”。
Becky:For example, if you are a student majoring in science, and you are discussing a theory with your classmates, you’ll probably say…
Chloe:.. 实验证明他的理论是正确的 (Shíyàn zhèngmíng tā de lǐlùn shì zhèngquè de)
Becky:“The results of the experiment have proved his theory.”
Chloe:没错。在侦探片里,我们会经常听到这样一句台词:“我们有证据证明你是无罪的。(Méi cuò. Zài zhēntàn piàn lǐ, wǒmen huì jīngcháng tīng dào zhèyàng yījù táicí:“Wǒmen yǒu zhèngjù zhèngmíng nǐ shì wú zuì de.)”
Becky: This means we have evidence that proves your innocence. Okay now let’s move on to the grammar.

Lesson focus

Chloe:In this lesson, you’ll learn how to express that you have done something with the auxiliary 过(Guò).
Becky:We have learned this word before, right?
Chloe:对, “过”这个词有很多种不同的意思, 比如“过去(Duì, “guò” zhège cí yǒu hěnduō zhǒng bùtóng de yìsi, bǐrú “guòqù)”。
Becky:This means ”past”
Becky:“To celebrate the Chinese New Year.”
Chloe:在这节课里,我们要学习的是如何用“过”来表达发生在过去的动作。当“过”这个词放在动词后面的时候,这个组合就可以表示某种动作已经结束了。这么说可能有点抽象,我们来看几个例子。比如“我去过北京。” (Zài zhè jié kè lǐ, wǒmen yào xuéxí de shì rúhé yòng “guò” lái biǎodá fāshēng zài guòqù de dòngzuò. Dāng “guò” zhège cí fàng zài dòngcí hòumiàn de shíhòu, zhège zǔhé jiù kěyǐ biǎoshì mǒu zhǒng dòngzuò yǐjīng jiéshùle. Zhème shuō kěnéng yǒudiǎn chōuxiàng, wǒmen lái kàn jǐ gè lìzi. Bǐrú “wǒ qùguò běijīng.”)
Becky:I have been to Beijing.
Chloe:如果你想告诉你的朋友你在北京时做的事,你可以说 “我在北京旅游的时候吃过烤鸭”。(Rúguǒ nǐ xiǎng gàosù nǐ de péngyǒu nǐ zài běijīng shí zuò de shì, nǐ kěyǐ shuō “wǒ zài běijīng lǚyóu de shíhòu chīguò kǎoyā”.)
Becky:I ate Peking duck when I was traveling in Beijing.
Chloe:下一个例子,“她当过北京奥运会志愿者。(Xià yīgè lìzi,“tā dāngguò běijīng àoyùnhuì zhìyuàn zhě.)”
Becky:This means “she volunteered in the Beijing Olympic Games”.
Chloe:我看过泰坦尼克号。(Wǒ kànguò tàitǎn níkè hào.)
Becky:This means “I have seen Titanic before”.
Chloe:没错。遇到动词加上“过”这个组合的时候,我们经常会把它和“了”放在一起用。例如,她吃过饭了. (Méi cuò. Yù dào dòngcí jiā shàng “guò” zhège zǔhé de shíhòu, wǒmen jīngcháng huì bǎ tā hé “le” fàng zài yīqǐ yòng. Lìrú, tā chīguò fànle.)
Becky:She has had her meal.
Chloe:你跟朋友出去吃饭,你提前去把账结了,这个时候你可以对你的朋友说“我买过单了”或者“我结过账了”。(Nǐ gēn péngyǒu chūqù chīfàn, nǐ tíqián qù bǎ zhàng jiéle, zhège shíhòu nǐ kěyǐ duì nǐ de péngyǒu shuō “wǒ mǎiguò dānle” huòzhě “wǒ jié guòzhàngle”.)
Becky:I have paid the bill.
Chloe:对,当别人问你学完我们这节课了没的时候,你可以回答说:“我学过这一课了。(Duì, dāng biérén wèn nǐ xué wán wǒmen zhè jié kèle méi de shíhòu, nǐ kěyǐ huídá shuō:“Wǒ xuéguò zhè yī kèle.)”
Becky:This means “I have learned this lesson.”
Chloe:下面我再给大家介绍一个语法点。在之前的课里我们学过当“了”和动词一起用的时候,它们同样也可以表示发生在过去的事或者动作。(Xiàmiàn wǒ zài gěi dàjiā jièshào yīgè yǔfǎ diǎn. Zài zhīqián de kè lǐ wǒmen xuéguò dàng “le” hé dòngcí yīqǐ yòng de shíhòu, tāmen tóngyàng yě kěyǐ biǎoshì fāshēng zài guòqù de shì huòzhě dòngzuò.)
Becky:Is there any difference between the two patterns?
Chloe:虽然它们的意思非常相近,但其实是有区别的。动词加上“过”这个组合表示的是某个动作或某件事发生在过去,并且它没有延续到现在。也就是说现在这个动作或者这件事已经停止了,结束了,不再继续了。而如果我们用了动词加上“了”这个组合,就表示可能知道现在这个发生在过去的动作或事情还在继续。(Suīrán tāmen de yìsi fēicháng xiāngjìn, dàn qíshí shì yǒu qūbié de. Dòngcí jiā shàng “guò” zhège zǔhé biǎoshì de shì mǒu gè dòngzuò huò mǒu jiàn shì fāshēng zài guòqù, bìngqiě tā méiyǒu yánxù dào xiànzài. Yě jiùshì shuō xiànzài zhège dòngzuò huòzhě zhè jiàn shì yǐjīng tíngzhǐle, jiéshùle, bù zài jìxùle. Ér rúguǒ wǒmen yòngle dòngcí jiā shàng “le” zhège zǔhé, jiù biǎoshì kěnéng zhīdào xiànzài zhège fāshēng zài guòqù de dòngzuò huò shìqíng hái zài jìxù.)
Becky:Oh, this is a bit complicated – can you give us some examples?
Becky:This means “She became a teacher two years ago, but is not a teacher now.”
Chloe:没错。(Méi cuò.)And in comparison, we have this one, 她两年前当了老师(Tā liǎng nián qián dāngle lǎoshī)
Becky:She became a teacher two years ago and she may still be a teacher now.
Chloe:第二个例子,他们学过日语 (Dì èr gè lìzi, tāmen xuéguò rìyǔ)
Becky:This means “They learned Japanese, but they are not learning it now”.
Chloe:他们学了日语 (Tāmen xuéle rìyǔ)
Becky:“They learned Japanese, and they may continue learning it now.” I think with these examples it’s easier to understand.
Chloe:And finally, I’ll show you a tip to tell the two patterns apart. You can simply negate the two. For the second example, when we put 没(Méi) in the sentence, it becomes 他们没学过日语 (Tāmen méi xuéguò rìyǔ) and 他们没学日语(Tāmen méi xué rìyǔ). Can you see the difference?
Becky:Ah yes, the difference is more obvious now!


Becky: Okay that’s all for this lesson. Attention perfectionists, you are about to learn how to perfect your pronunciation.
Chloe: Lesson review audio tracks
Becky: Increase fluency and vocabulary fast with the short, effective audio tracks. Super simple to use. Listen to the Chinese word or a phrase. Then repeat it out loud in a loud clear voice.
Chloe: You will speak with confidence knowing that you are speaking Chinese like the locals.
Becky: Go to chineseclass101.com and download the review audio tracks right on the lessons page today. Be sure to check the lesson notes and we will see you next time. Bye everyone!
Chloe:今天的课就到这里,我们下次见。拜拜!(Jīntiān de kè jiù dào zhèlǐ, wǒmen xià cì jiàn. Bàibài!)

