
Vocabulary (Review)

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Becky: Intermediate season 2, Lesson 18. This Chinese Online Store Sells Everything.
Chloe:大家好。(Dàjiā hǎo)I’m Chloe.
Becky:Hi everyone, I’m Becky, and welcome back to ChineseClass101.com. This is Intermediate Season 2, Lesson 18 - This Chinese Online Store Sells Everything!
Chloe:这节课我们来了解一下网络购物。(Zhè jié kè wǒmen lái liǎo jiè yīxià wǎngluò gòuwù.)
Becky:The conversation takes place in front of a computer.
Chloe:我们将会听到两个年轻人的对话。(Wǒmen jiāng huì tīng dào liǎng gè niánqīng rén de duìhuà.)
Becky: They are friends. So they will be using informal Chinese. Okay let’s listen to the conversation.
(A: Nǐ bùshì méi shíjiān guàngjiē ma, yòng táo bǎo a.)
(B: Táo bǎo shàng yě néng mǎi zuò fàn de tiáoliào?)
(A: Bié shuō tiáoliàole, dà dào diànqì jiājù, xiǎo dào niàobù wénjù, yīngyǒujìnyǒu.)
(B: Zhè zhìliàng néng yǒu bǎozhàng ma?)
(A: Táo bǎo yǒu xiānxíng péifù fúwù, nǐ juéde zhìliàng bù hǎo kěyǐ tuìhuò ya.)
(B: Nà jùtǐ zěnme mǎi a?)
(A: Nǐ xiān qù xuǎnhǎo dōngxi, pāi xiàlái, ná xìnyòngkǎ fù jiù kěyǐle. Hěn jiǎndān, nǐ shì yīcì jiù zhīdàole.)
Becky: Let’s hear the conversation one time slowly.
(A: Nǐ bùshì méi shíjiān guàngjiē ma, yòng táo bǎo a.)
(B: Táo bǎo shàng yě néng mǎi zuò fàn de tiáoliào?)
(A: Bié shuō tiáoliàole, dà dào diànqì jiājù, xiǎo dào niàobù wénjù, yīngyǒujìnyǒu.)
(B: Zhè zhìliàng néng yǒu bǎozhàng ma?)
(A: Táo bǎo yǒu xiānxíng péifù fúwù, nǐ juéde zhìliàng bù hǎo kěyǐ tuìhuò ya.)
(B: Nà jùtǐ zěnme mǎi a?)
(A: Nǐ xiān qù xuǎnhǎo dōngxi, pāi xiàlái, ná xìnyòngkǎ fù jiù kěyǐle. Hěn jiǎndān, nǐ shì yīcì jiù zhīdàole.)
Becky: Now. Let’s hear with English translation.
(A: Nǐ bùshì méi shíjiān guàngjiē ma, yòng táo bǎo a.)
A: You said you didn't have time to go shopping, then try Taobao.
(B: Táo bǎo shàng yě néng mǎi zuò fàn de tiáoliào?)
B: You can buy cooking spices on Taobao?
(A: Bié shuō tiáoliàole, dà dào diànqì jiājù, xiǎo dào niàobù wénjù, yīngyǒujìnyǒu.)
A: Not to mention spices, any electrical appliances and furniture, even diapers and stationery, everything.
(B: Zhè zhìliàng néng yǒu bǎozhàng ma?)
B: How is the quality?
(A: Táo bǎo yǒu xiānxíng péifù fúwù, nǐ juéde zhìliàng bù hǎo kěyǐ tuìhuò ya.)
A: Taobao has advanced guarantee services, if the quality is not good you can return it.
(B: Nà jùtǐ zěnme mǎi a?)
B: Then how do you buy things there?
(A: Nǐ xiān qù xuǎnhǎo dōngxi, pāi xiàlái, ná xìnyòngkǎ fù jiù kěyǐle. Hěn jiǎndān, nǐ shì yīcì jiù zhīdàole.)
A: Go choose the things you want, send in an order, then pay by credit card. It is very simple, once you've tried it you'll understand.
Becky: What’s Taobao, it sounds pretty convenient.
Chloe:淘宝类似于ebay, 是中国最大的购物网站,上面有各种商家,大到企业,小到个人,都可以在上面开网店卖东西。淘宝上的东西大都比实体店便宜,所以非常受欢迎,尤其是年轻上班族和大学生,经常上班上课的时候都在逛淘宝。(Táobǎo lèisì yú ebay, shì zhōngguó zuìdà de gòuwù wǎngzhàn, shàngmiàn yǒu gè zhǒng shāngjiā, dà dào qǐyè, xiǎo dào gèrén, dōu kěyǐ zài shàngmiàn kāi wǎng diàn mài dōngxī. Táobǎo shàng de dōngxī dàdū bǐ shítǐ diàn piányí, suǒyǐ fēicháng shòu huānyíng, yóuqí shì niánqīng shàngbān zú hé dàxuéshēng, jīngcháng shàngbān shàngkè de shíhòu dōu zài guàng táobǎo.)
Becky:So the site has everything with cheap prices!
Chloe:没错,现在中国的物价上涨太快,工资却不涨,大家都是能省则省。(Méi cuò, xiànzài zhōngguó de wùjià shàngzhǎng tài kuài, gōngzī què bù zhǎng, dàjiā dōu shì néng shěng zé shěng.)
Becky: Yeah I totally understand. Okay now let’s move on to the vocab.
Becky: Let’s take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson. The first word we shall see is...
Chloe:家具 (jiājù)
Becky: Furniture.
Chloe: 家具 (jiājù)
Becky: Next
Chloe: 文具 (wénjù)
Becky: Stationery.
Chloe: 文具 (wénjù)
Becky: Next
Chloe:调料 (tiáoliào)
Becky: Spices.
Chloe: 调料 (tiáoliào)
Becky: Next.
Chloe: 质量 (zhìliàng)
Becky: Quality.
Chloe: 质量 (zhìliàng)
Becky: Next
Chloe: 先行赔付 (xiānxíng péifù)
Becky: Advance guarantee service.
Chloe: 先行赔付 (xiānxíng péifù)
Becky: Next
Chloe: 退货 (tuìhuò)
Becky: Return of goods.
Chloe: 退货 (tuìhuò)
Becky: Next
Chloe: 应有尽有 (yīngyǒujìnyǒu)
Becky: To have everything that one expects to find.
Chloe: 应有尽有 (yīngyǒujìnyǒu)
Becky: Next
Chloe: 具体 (jùtǐ)
Becky: Specific.
Chloe: 具体 (jùtǐ)
Becky: Next
Chloe: 拍 (pāi)
Becky: To make an order used in auction or online shopping.
Chloe: 拍 ((pāi))
Becky: And last
Chloe: 信用卡 (xìnyòngkǎ)
Becky: Credit card.
Chloe: 信用卡 (xìnyòngkǎ)
Becky: Let’s take a closer look at the usage of some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Chloe:我们今天要学习的第一个词是“应有尽有”。我们把这个词分开来看,“应”表示应该,所以“应有”表示应该有的。“尽”表示都,全部,因此“尽有”表示都有 。这两部分合在一起就表示应该有的都有,形容十分齐全。(Wǒmen jīntiān yào xuéxí de dì yī gè cí shì “yīngyǒujìnyǒu”. Wǒmen bǎ zhège cí fēnkāi lái kàn,“yīng” biǎoshì yīnggāi, suǒyǐ “yīng yǒu” biǎoshì yīnggāi yǒu de.“Jǐn” biǎoshì dōu, quánbù, yīncǐ “jìn yǒu” biǎoshì dōu yǒu. Zhè liǎng bùfèn hé zài yīqǐ jiù biǎoshì yīnggāi yǒu de dōu yǒu, xíngróng shífēn qíquán.)
Becky:In English, this word means “to have everything that one expects to find” or “have all that is necessary.”
Chloe:没错,可以这样理解。应有尽有这个词在句子中一般作谓语,来表现主语怎么样。(Méi cuò, kěyǐ zhèyàng lǐjiě. Yīngyǒujìnyǒu zhège cí zài jùzi zhōng yībān zuò wèiyǔ, lái biǎoxiàn zhǔyǔ zěnme yàng.)
Becky:In a sentence, this word often plays the role of the predicate.
Chloe:我们来看两个例句。各种色彩的款式应有尽有。(Wǒmen lái kàn liǎng gè lìjù. Gè zhǒng sècǎi de kuǎnshì yīngyǒujìnyǒu.)
Becky:This means “Designs are available in a myriad of colors.”
Chloe:下一个。那家商店卖大号的 、 小号的 、 中号的, 各种尺码应有尽有。(Xià yīgè. Nà jiā shāngdiàn mài dà hào de, xiǎo hào de, zhōng hào de, gè zhǒng chǐmǎ yīngyǒujìnyǒu.)
Becky:The store sells big ones, small ones, medium ones, or any size that you'd expect to find. Okay, so what’s our next word?
Chloe:今天的第二个重点词汇是“具体”。(Jīntiān de dì èr gè zhòngdiǎn cíhuì shì “jùtǐ”.)
Becky:It's an adjective that means “specific” or “concrete,” right?
Chloe:没错,它是一个形容词。比如说,具体计划 (Méi cuò, tā shì yīgè xíngróngcí. Bǐrú shuō, jùtǐ jìhuà)
Becky:"specific plan"
Chloe:具体情况 (Jùtǐ qíngkuàng)
Becky:"concrete conditions"
Chloe:具体问题 : (Jùtǐ wèntí:)
Becky:"specific problems"
Chloe:具体日期 (Jùtǐ rìqí)
Becky:"exact date"
Chloe:有的时候“具体”也可以作动词。这个时候它不能直接和名词放在一起使用,而是需要加上介词“到”才可以。(Yǒu de shíhòu “jùtǐ” yě kěyǐ zuò dòngcí. Zhège shíhòu tā bùnéng zhíjiē hé míngcí fàng zài yīqǐ shǐyòng, ér shì xūyào jiā shàng jiècí “dào” cái kěyǐ.)
Becky:And when it’s a verb, it means “specific to” or “to narrow down.”
Chloe:没错。我们来看两个例句。把问题具体到一系列相关的主题上。(Méi cuò. Wǒmen lái kàn liǎng gè lìjù. Bǎ wèntí jùtǐ dào yī xìliè xiāngguān de zhǔtí shàng.)
Becky:"Narrow the question down to a related set of issues."
Chloe:具体到各行各业,这项政策的影响程度各不相同。(Jùtǐ dào gè háng gè yè, zhè xiàng zhèngcè de yǐngxiǎng chéngdù gè bù xiāngtóng.)
Becky: Specific to different industries, the influence of the policy is not identical. Okay now on to the grammar.

Lesson focus

Chloe:今天我们要学习的语法是反问句。(Jīntiān wǒmen yào xuéxí de yǔfǎ shì fǎnwèn jù.)
Becky:In this lesson, you’ll learn about rhetorical questions in Chinese.
Chloe:反问句其实是用疑问句的句式来表达肯定的观点。也就是说,表面看来我提了一个问题,但实际上我表达的是肯定的意思,答案就在句子之中,不需要别人回答。(Fǎnwèn jù qíshí shì yòng yíwènjù de jù shì lái biǎodá kěndìng de guāndiǎn. Yě jiùshì shuō, biǎomiàn kàn lái wǒ tíle yīgè wèntí, dàn shíjì shang wǒ biǎodá de shì kěndìng de yìsi, dá'àn jiù zài jù zǐ zhī zhōng, bù xūyào biérén huídá.)
Becky:Yeah, we're in fact confirming a statement rather than seeking an answer with a rhetorical question. It’s just formulated as a question.
Chloe:反问句跟陈述句表达的意思是一致的,它们的区别在于反问句的语气更加强烈,更能引起别人的思考。我们来看两个简单的句子,你很容易就能感受到这两者的不同。比如,那是一样的。(Fǎnwèn jù gēn chénshùjù biǎodá de yìsi shì yīzhì de, tāmen de qūbié zàiyú fǎnwèn jù de yǔqì gèngjiā qiángliè, gèng néng yǐnqǐ biérén de sīkǎo. Wǒmen lái kàn liǎng gè jiǎndān de jùzi, nǐ hěn róngyì jiù néng gǎnshòu dào zhè liǎng zhě de bùtóng. Bǐrú, nà shì yīyàng de.)
Becky:That’s the same.
Chloe:那怎么是一样的呢?(Nà zěnme shì yīyàng de ne?)
Becky:How is it the same? Right, the last one has a stronger tone than the first one.
Chloe:在中文里,我们一般有两种反问句,叫肯定反问句和否定反问句。(Zài zhōngwén lǐ, wǒmen yībān yǒu liǎng zhǒng fǎnwèn jù, jiào kěndìng fǎnwèn jù hé fǒudìng fǎnwèn jù.)
Becky:There are two types of rhetorical questions, called affirmative rhetorical questions and negative rhetorical questions. Can you give us some examples?
Chloe:没问题。我们先来看肯定反问句。今天的作业有那么难吗?(Méi wèntí. Wǒmen xiān lái kàn kěndìng fǎnwèn jù. Jīntiān de zuòyè yǒu nàme nán ma?)
Becky:"Is the homework today that difficult?" So the speaker wants to say the homework is not difficult.
Chloe:说的没错。再来看两个例子。你们怎么能浪费时间?(Shuō de méi cuò. Zàilái kàn liǎng gè lìzi. Nǐmen zěnme néng làngfèi shíjiān?)
Becky:"How can you waste your time?"
Chloe:我有那么笨吗?(Wǒ yǒu nàme bèn ma?)
Becky:"Am I that stupid?" No, I’m not stupid at all!
Chloe:下面来看否定反问句。你们怎么能不回家呢?(Xiàmiàn lái kàn fǒudìng fǎnwèn jù. Nǐmen zěnme néng bù huí jiā ne?)
Becky:"How can you not go back home?"
Chloe:难道你还不知道?(Nándào nǐ hái bù zhīdào?)
Becky:"Don’t you know yet?"
Chloe:难道你就一点也不害怕吗?(Nándào nǐ jiù yīdiǎn yě bù hàipà ma?)
Becky:"Weren’t you just a little bit scared?" I think the point is, the affirmative ones are actually negating the statement, and the negative ones are confirming.
Chloe:非常正确。大家记住了吗?(Fēicháng zhèngquè. Dàjiā jì zhùle ma?)


Becky: Okay. That’s it for this lesson. Listeners, do you know the reason flashcards are so popular.
Chloe: It’s because they work.
Becky: We’ve taken this time tested studying tool and modernized with my word bank flashcards.
Chloe: Learn vocabulary using your eyes and ears.
Becky: It’s simple and powerful. Save difficult and interesting words to your personal vocabulary list called my word bank.
Chloe: Master words in your my word bank by practicing with flashcards.
Becky: Words in my word bank come with audio. So you learn proper pronunciation.
Chloe: While you learn to recognize words by sight.
Becky: Go to chineseclass101.com and try my word bank and flashcards today. Be sure to check the lesson notes to reinforce what you’ve learned here. Thanks for listening and we will see you next time. Bye everyone.
Chloe:今天的课就到这里,我们下次见。拜拜!(Jīntiān de kè jiù dào zhèlǐ, wǒmen xià cì jiàn. Bàibài!)

