
Vocabulary (Review)

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Becky: Intermediate, season 2, Lesson 23. Who Can You Trust in China?
Chloe: 大家好。(Dàjiā hǎo.) I’m Chloe.
Becky: Hi everyone, I’m Becky, and welcome back to ChineseClass101.com. This is Intermediate Season 2, Lesson 23 - Who Can You Trust in China?
Chloe: 这节课我们来了解一项不靠谱的投资。(Zhè jié kè wǒmen lái liǎo jiè yī xiàng bù kào pǔ de tóuzī.)
Becky: The conversation takes place outside a company.
Chloe: 我们将会听到一个投资者和一个骗投资的人之间的对话。(Wǒmen jiāng huì tīng dào yīgè tóuzī zhě hé yīgè piàn tóuzī de rén zhī jiān de duìhuà.)
Becky: The investor is questioning the man who squandered his investment. So they will be using informal Chinese. Let’s listen to the conversation.
(A: Wǒ gěi nǐ de wǔqiān wàn fēng tóu, nǐ jiù zhème huīhuòle?!)
(B: Wáng zǒng, kàn nín shuō de, nà zěnme shì huīhuò ne, wǒ yě de shēnghuó ya.)
(A: Wǒ gěi nǐ qián shì tóuzī xiàngmù yòng de, bùshì gěi nǐ mǎi biéshù mǎi pǎochē de.)
(B: Nín méi kàn wǒ gùle nàme duō rén ma?)
(A: Bié yǐwéi wǒ bù zhīdào, nǐ tōugōngjiǎnliào, zài yuánliào lǐ lòng xū zuò jiǎ, gù de nóngmín gōng, hái tuōqiàn rénjiā gōngzī.)
(B: Fǎnzhèng, xiànzài gōngsī yě jīngyíng bù xiàqùle, wǒ yǐjīng xuāngào pòchǎnle. Duì bù zhù nínle.)
(A: Wǒ yào qù fǎyuàn qǐsù nǐ.)
(B: Ó, nín hái bù zhīdào ba, wǒ lǎopó háizi dōu yímín jiānádàle, wǒ jīntiān xiàwǔ de fēijī, gēn tāmen tuánjù qù.)
Becky: Let’s hear the conversation one time slowly.
(A: Wǒ gěi nǐ de wǔqiān wàn fēng tóu, nǐ jiù zhème huīhuòle?!)
(B: Wáng zǒng, kàn nín shuō de, nà zěnme shì huīhuò ne, wǒ yě de shēnghuó ya.)
(A: Wǒ gěi nǐ qián shì tóuzī xiàngmù yòng de, bùshì gěi nǐ mǎi biéshù mǎi pǎochē de.)
(B: Nín méi kàn wǒ gùle nàme duō rén ma?)
A:别以为我不知道,你偷工减料,在原料里弄虚作假,雇的农民工,还拖欠人家工资。(A: Bié yǐwéi wǒ bù zhīdào, nǐ tōugōngjiǎnliào, zài yuánliào lǐ lòng xū zuò jiǎ, gù de nóngmín gōng, hái tuōqiàn rénjiā gōngzī.)
(B: Fǎnzhèng, xiànzài gōngsī yě jīngyíng bù xiàqùle, wǒ yǐjīng xuāngào pòchǎnle. Duì bù zhù nínle.)
(A: Wǒ yào qù fǎyuàn qǐsù nǐ.)
(B: Ó, nín hái bù zhīdào ba, wǒ lǎopó háizi dōu yímín jiānádàle, wǒ jīntiān xiàwǔ de fēijī, gēn tāmen tuánjù qù.)
Becky: Now. Let’s hear with English translation.
(A: Wǒ gěi nǐ de wǔqiān wàn fēng tóu, nǐ jiù zhème huīhuòle?!)
A: You squandered the fifty million I invested?
(B: Wáng zǒng, kàn nín shuō de, nà zěnme shì huīhuò ne, wǒ yě de shēnghuó ya.)
B: Director Wang, look, I didn't squander it, I had to eat!
(A: Wǒ gěi nǐ qián shì tóuzī xiàngmù yòng de, bùshì gěi nǐ mǎi biéshù mǎi pǎochē de.)
A: The money was for investment projects, not to buy you a villa and sports car.
(B: Nín méi kàn wǒ gùle nàme duō rén ma?)
B: I hired so many people, didn't you see that?
A:别以为我不知道,你偷工减料,在原料里弄虚作假,雇的农民工,还拖欠人家工资。(A: Bié yǐwéi wǒ bù zhīdào, nǐ tōugōngjiǎnliào, zài yuánliào lǐ lòng xū zuò jiǎ, gù de nóngmín gōng, hái tuōqiàn rénjiā gōngzī.)
A: You think I don't know? You cut corners and employed trickery with the raw materials; you also employed migrant workers and didn't pay them.
(B: Fǎnzhèng, xiànzài gōngsī yě jīngyíng bù xiàqùle, wǒ yǐjīng xuāngào pòchǎnle. Duì bù zhù nínle.)
B: Anyway, now the company can't operate anymore, and I have declared bankruptcy. Sorry for you.
(A: Wǒ yào qù fǎyuàn qǐsù nǐ.)
A: I'm going to sue you.
(B: Ó, nín hái bù zhīdào ba, wǒ lǎopó háizi dōu yímín jiānádàle, wǒ jīntiān xiàwǔ de fēijī, gēn tāmen tuánjù qù.)
B: Oh, you didn't know that my wife and kids already immigrated to Canada? I'm flying over there today to reunite with them.
Becky: The investor is really having bad luck. Sounds like there’s no way for him to get his money back!
Chloe: 是啊,这个投资者真倒霉。怎么就碰上这么个不靠谱的人了呢!(Shì a, zhège tóuzī zhě zhēn dǎoméi. Zěnme jiù pèng shàng zhème gè bù kào pǔ de rénle ne!)
Becky: What do you call this kind of person? The person who fools others and takes their investment?
Chloe: 这种人叫骗子或者老赖,虽然他跟普遍意义上骗子稍微有点区别,但是本质上都是骗了别人的钱。老赖的意思跟骗子有点不同,主要是指欠钱不还,耍赖的人。这种人很讨厌,你去跟他讨帐,他就跟你摆出一副要钱没有要命一条的架势。就算你打官司赢了他,他也以没钱为借口赖着不还钱。(Zhè zhǒng rén jiào piànzi huòzhě lǎo lài, suīrán tā gēn pǔbiàn yìyì shàng piànzi shāowéi yǒudiǎn qūbié, dànshì běnzhí shàng dū shì piànle biérén de qián. Lǎo lài de yìsi gēn piànzi yǒudiǎn bùtóng, zhǔyào shi zhǐ qiàn qián bù hái, shuǎlài de rén. Zhè zhǒng rén hěn tǎoyàn, nǐ qù gēn tā tǎo zhàng, tā jiù gēn nǐ bǎi chū yī fù yào qián méiyǒu yàomìng yītiáo de jiàshì. Jiùsuàn nǐ dǎ guānsī yíngle tā, tā yě yǐ méi qián wèi jièkǒu làizhe bù hái qián.)
Becky: Oh, that’s too bad. They should be put in jail! Okay now let’s move on to the vocab. Let’s take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson. The first word we shall see is.
Chloe: 破产 (pòchǎn)
Becky: To go bankrupt or to declare bankruptcy.
Chloe: 破产 (pòchǎn)
Becky: Next
Chloe: 挥霍 (huīhuò)
Becky: To spend lavishly.
Chloe: 挥霍 (huīhuò)
Becky: Next
Chloe: 项目 (xiàngmù)
Becky: Project.
Chloe: 项目 (xiàngmù)
Becky: Next
Chloe: 雇 (gù)
Becky: To employ, to hire.
Chloe: 雇 (gù)
Becky: Next
Chloe: 偷工减料 (tōugōngjiǎnliào)
Becky: To cheat in work and cut down on materials.
Chloe: 偷工减料 (tōugōngjiǎnliào)
Becky: Next
Chloe: 弄虚作假 (nòng xū zuò jiǎ)
Becky: To employ trickery.
Chloe: 弄虚作假 (nòng xū zuò jiǎ)
Becky: Next
Chloe: 拖欠 (tuōqiàn)
Becky: To be behind in payment, to be in default.
Chloe: 拖欠 (tuōqiàn)
Becky: Next
Chloe: 起诉 (qǐsù)
Becky: To sue.
Chloe: 起诉 (qǐsù)
Becky: Next
Chloe: 对不住 (duì bú zhù)
Becky: To be sorry.
Chloe: 对不住 (duì bú zhù)
Becky: And last
Chloe: 团聚 (tuánjù)
Becky: To reunite.
Chloe: 团聚 (tuánjù)
Becky: Let’s take a closer look at the usage of some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Chloe: 今天我们学习的第一个词是雇。(Jīntiān wǒmen xuéxí de dì yī gè cí shì gù.)
Becky: It's a transitive verb that means "to employ" or "to hire."
Chloe: 没错。雇这个词有两个意思,第一个意思是花钱让别人给自己做事。比如说, 她雇了一个保姆照顾小孩。(Méi cuò. Gù zhège cí yǒu liǎng gè yìsi, dì yīgè yìsi shì huā qián ràng biérén jǐ zìjǐ zuòshì. Bǐrú shuō, tā gùle yī gè bǎomǔ zhàogù xiǎohái.)
Becky: "She hired a nanny to look after her baby."
Chloe: 我们雇了一位律师作为公司的法律顾问。(Wǒmen gùle yī wèi lǜshī zuòwéi gōngsī de fǎlǜ gùwèn.)
Becky: "We employed a lawyer as a consultant on law affairs for the company."
Chloe: 他受雇于一家报社。(Tā shòu gù yú yījiā bàoshè.)
Becky: "He is employed by a newspaper"
Chloe: 从刚才这句话里可以看出雇这个词的被动形式是受雇,而于这个介词则表明了雇主是谁。(Cóng gāngcái zhè jù huà li kěyǐ kàn chū gù zhège cí de bèidòng xíngshì shì shòu gù, ér yú zhège jiècí zé biǎomíngliǎo gùzhǔ shì shéi.)
Becky: What about the other usage of this word?
Chloe: 它的另外一个意思是租赁交通工具,也就是出钱让别人用交通工具给自己服务。比如说,雇车。(Tā de lìngwài yīgè yìsi shì zūlìn jiāotōng gōngjù, yě jiùshì chū qián ràng biérén yòng jiāotōng gōngjù jǐ zìjǐ fúwù. Bǐrú shuō, gù chē.)
Becky: "to hire a cab"
Chloe: 雇船 (Gù chuán)
Becky: "to hire a boat." Okay, what's our next word?
Chloe: 下一个要学习的词是对不住。这个词和对不起很接近。(Xià yīgè yào xuéxí de cí shì duì bù zhù. Zhège cí hé duìbùqǐ hěn jiējìn.)
Becky: Do they both mean “sorry”?
Chloe: 可以这样说,但是在用法上对不住和对不起有一点区别。对不起表示道歉,也就是当你做错事的时候,你要跟别人说对不起。而对不住也有抱歉的意思,但是这个抱歉不一定是因为你做错了事,而是你觉得自己对对方照顾不周,或者你做的事没有达到让对方满意的程度。(Kěyǐ zhèyàng shuō, dànshì zài yòngfǎ shàng duì bù zhù hé duìbùqǐ yǒu yīdiǎn qūbié. Duìbùqǐ biǎoshì dàoqiàn, yě jiùshì dāng nǐ zuò cuò shì de shíhòu, nǐ yào gēn biérén shuō duìbùqǐ. Ér duì bù zhù yěyǒu bàoqiàn de yìsi, dànshì zhège bàoqiàn bù yīdìng shì yīnwèi nǐ zuò cuò liǎo shì, ér shì nǐ juédé zìjǐ duì duìfāng zhàogù bù zhōu, huòzhě nǐ zuò de shì méiyǒu dádào ràng duìfāng mǎnyì de chéngdù.)
Becky: Can you give us some examples?
Chloe: 没问题。比如说,今天对不住你,让你一个人吃饭。(Méi wèntí. Bǐrú shuō, jīntiān duì bù zhù nǐ, ràng nǐ yīgè rén chīfàn.)
Becky: "Sorry that I let you eat by yourself today."
Chloe: 有对不住的地方,还请您海涵。(Yǒu duì bù zhù dì dìfāng, huán qǐng nín hǎihán.)
Becky: "Please be kind enough to excuse any incorrect behavior on my part."
Chloe: 真对不住大家,因为一些个人原因迟迟没有定下计划。(Zhēn duì bù zhù dàjiā, yīn wéi yīxiē ge rén yuányīn chí chí méiyǒu dìng xià jìhuà.)
Becky: I didn’t make the plan in time due to some personal affairs. I am really sorry about that. Okay I think now we are clear about the differences between sorry in Chinese. Now on to the grammar.

Lesson focus

Chloe: 今天我们来学习一下中文里的语气助词。(Jīntiān wǒmen lái xuéxí yīxià zhōngwén lǐ de yǔqì zhùcí.)
Becky: In this lesson, you’ll learn about modal particles that are put at the end of a sentence.
Chloe: 语气助词一般放在句子的末尾。它们是没有实际意义的,仅仅表示说话人的情绪。(Yǔqì zhùcí yībān fàng zài jùzi de mòwěi. Tāmen shì méiyǒu shíjì yìyì de, jǐnjǐn biǎoshì shuōhuà rén de qíngxù.)
Becky: We don't have these kinds of words in English. I guess we can't translate them in a straightforward way - it must depend on the context to understand the speaker's mood.
Chloe: Becky讲得很对,的确是需要结合语境,也就是在什么情况下说这句话的,来理解说话者的情绪。我们今天要学习的主要是疑问助词。(Jiǎng dé hěn duì, díquè shì xūyào jiéhé yǔ jìng, yě jiùshì zài shénme qíngkuàng xià shuō zhè jù huà de, lái lǐjiě shuōhuà zhě de qíngxù. Wǒmen jīntiān yào xuéxí de zhǔyào shi yíwèn zhùcí.)
Becky: Our mission in this lesson is to learn about interrogative modal particles.
Chloe: 比如我们在对话里听到的,那怎么是挥霍呢?(Bǐrú wǒmen zài duìhuà li tīng dào de, nà zěnme shì huīhuò ne?)
Becky: "How can you say I squandered it?"
Chloe: 在这句话里,呢就是一个疑问助词。还有一句,您没看我雇了那么多人吗?(Zài zhè jù huà li, ne jiùshì yīgè yíwèn zhùcí. Hái yǒu yījù, nín méi kàn wǒ gùle nàme duō rén ma?)
Becky: "Didn't you see that I hired so many people?"
Chloe: 这句话末尾的吗也是疑问助词。这两个词咱们都没法直接翻译,它们仅仅表达了这是一个问题。再来看一个例子,你知道我的名字吗?(Zhè jù huà mòwěi de ma yěshì yíwèn zhùcí. Zhè liǎng gè cí zánmen dōu méi fǎ zhíjiē fānyì, tāmen jǐnjǐn biǎodále zhè shì yīgè wèntí. Zàilái kàn yīgè lìzi, nǐ zhīdào wǒ de míngzì ma?
Becky: "Do you know my name?"
Chloe: 除了刚刚讲到的呢和吗,吧也可以作疑问语气助词。比如说,你喜欢我吧?(Chúle gānggāng jiǎng dào de ne hé ma, ba yě kěyǐ zuò yíwèn yǔqì zhùcí. Bǐrú shuō, nǐ xǐhuān wǒ ba?)
Becky: "You like me, don't you?"
Chloe: 一般来说,呢,吗和吧表达的疑问程度不同,吗的疑问程度比呢和吧的要高,后两者通常表示已经推测出了答案,想确认或者征求意见。(Yībān lái shuō, ne, ma hé ba biǎodá de yíwèn chéngdù bùtóng, ma de yíwèn chéngdù bǐ ne hé ba de yāo gāo, hòu liǎng zhě tōngcháng biǎoshì yǐjīng tuīcè chūle dá'àn, xiǎng quèrèn huòzhě zhēngqiú yìjiàn.)
Becky: So usually if we do have questions, we use the strongest one to seek answers.
Chloe: 没错。(Méi cuò.)


Becky: Okay that’s it for this lesson. Listeners, do you know the reason flashcards are so popular?
Chloe: It’s because they work.
Becky: We’ve taken this time tested studying tool and modernized with my word bank flashcards.
Chloe: Learn vocabulary using your eyes and ears.
Becky: It’s simple and powerful. Save difficult and interesting words to your personal vocabulary list called my word bank.
Chloe: Master words in your my word bank by practicing with flashcards.
Becky: Words in my word bank come with audio so you learn proper pronunciation.
Chloe: While you learn to recognize words by sight.
Becky: Go to chineseclass101.com now and try my word bank and flashcards today. Be sure to check the lesson notes to reinforce what you’ve learned in this lesson. Thanks for listening and we will see you next time. Bye everyone.
Chloe: 今天的课就到这里,我们下次见。拜拜!(Jīntiān de kè jiù dào zhèlǐ, wǒmen xià cì jiàn. Bàibài!)

