
Vocabulary (Review)

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David: Welcome to chineseclass101.com. I am David.
Echo: Hi, 大家好,我是Echo. (Hi, dàjiā hǎo, wǒ shì Echo.)
David: And we are here today with intermediate, season 2, Lesson 7. Men Behaving Badly in China.
Echo: 嗯,今天我们这个对话呢是建立在一个新闻的基础上。(Ń, jīntiān wǒmen zhège duìhuà ne shì jiànlì zài yīgè xīnwén de jīchǔ shàng.)
David: Yes we are going to talk about the affluent second generation and the children of officials.
Echo: 没错。(Méi cuò.)
David: And some things that you know, how people think about them, how people often talk about them in China. So our dialogue is really colloquial.
Echo: 因为是两个朋友在谈论这个新闻。(Yīn wéi shì liǎng gè péngyǒu zài tánlùn zhège xīnwén.)
David: Yeah and so they are speaking casual Mandarin as always. Let’s get to it.
A : 最近网上都是关于富二代官二代的负面新闻啊。
(A: Zuìjìn wǎng shàng dū shì guānyú fù èr dàiguān èr dài de fùmiàn xīnwén a.)
(B: Kě bùshì, shénme jùzhòng dǎ rén, zuì jià táoyì, qiángjiān shàonǚ…)
(A: Zhèxiē shào yémen zěnme jìng bù gān zhèngshì a, jiǎnzhí shì wú'èbùzuò.)
(B: Qíshí yěyǒu yīxiē hǎo de, zhǐ bùguò zhèngmiàn de bàodǎo bù duō.)
(A: Wǒ zhēn kàn bù shàng zhèxiē “èr dài”men, jiù huì pīn diē bǐ chūshēn, zhēnshi bàilèi.)
(B: Nǐ yě bié tài jíduānle…)
(A: Āi, yàoshi wǒ bà yě néng yǒu qián yǒu quán jiù hǎole, wǒ yīdìng néng bǎ zhèxiē rén dōu bǐ xiàqù!)
David: Once more, a little bit slower.
A : 最近网上都是关于富二代官二代的负面新闻啊。
(A: Zuìjìn wǎng shàng dū shì guānyú fù èr dàiguān èr dài de fùmiàn xīnwén a.)
(B: Kě bùshì, shénme jùzhòng dǎ rén, zuì jià táoyì, qiángjiān shàonǚ…)
(A: Zhèxiē shào yémen zěnme jìng bù gān zhèngshì a, jiǎnzhí shì wú'èbùzuò.)
(B: Qíshí yěyǒu yīxiē hǎo de, zhǐ bùguò zhèngmiàn de bàodǎo bù duō.)
(A: Wǒ zhēn kàn bù shàng zhèxiē “èr dài”men, jiù huì pīn diē bǐ chūshēn, zhēnshi bàilèi.)
(B: Nǐ yě bié tài jíduānle…)
(A: Āi, yàoshi wǒ bà yě néng yǒu qián yǒu quán jiù hǎole, wǒ yīdìng néng bǎ zhèxiē rén dōu bǐ xiàqù!)
David: And now, with English translation.
A : 最近网上都是关于富二代官二代的负面新闻啊。
(A: Zuìjìn wǎng shàng dū shì guānyú fù èr dàiguān èr dài de fùmiàn xīnwén a.)
A: Right now negative news about the children of the rich and the children of the officials is all over the Internet.
(B: Kě bùshì, shénme jùzhòng dǎ rén, zuì jià táoyì, qiángjiān shàonǚ…)
B: Ain't that the case? Beating people in groups, avoiding drunk-driving or taking advantage of young women…
(A: Zhèxiē shào yémen zěnme jìng bù gān zhèngshì a, jiǎnzhí shì wú'èbùzuò.)
A: How can it be that these young kids aren't doing anything proper at all? Is there any crime they are not capable of?
(B: Qíshí yěyǒu yīxiē hǎo de, zhǐ bùguò zhèngmiàn de bàodǎo bù duō.)
B: Well, actually there are some good ones. It's just there's not much reporting about it.
(A: Wǒ zhēn kàn bù shàng zhèxiē “èr dài”men, jiù huì pīn diē bǐ chūshēn, zhēnshi bàilèi.)
A: I really don't care for these second generation kids. All they do is compete about their family backgrounds. They are really not worth anything.
(B: Nǐ yě bié tài jíduānle…)
B: You shouldn't get too extreme.
(A: Āi, yàoshi wǒ bà yě néng yǒu qián yǒu quán jiù hǎole, wǒ yīdìng néng bǎ zhèxiē rén dōu bǐ xiàqù!)
A: Ah...if only my dad was rich and powerful, I definitely would be much better than these people.
David: I like that line where he says you know, you really shouldn’t get too extreme because this does sound a lot like the kind of online…
Echo: 愤青们。(Fènqīngmen.)
David: Yeah the angry youth discussions.
Echo: 嗯,有的时候是有一点极端的。(Ń, yǒu de shíhòu shì yǒu yīdiǎn jíduān dì.)
David: Yeah. Well I mean it’s understandable because people don’t have much money or opportunity and they see people with a lot of money, yeah. Anyway, we’ve got a lot of vocab today which is, really it’s online discussions but it’s super useful for talking about Chinese society.
Echo: 没错,你也可以当一个愤青。(Méi cuò, nǐ yě kěyǐ dāng yīgè fènqīng.)
David: Yes we will teach you how to be angry and young.
Echo: 富二代 (fù èr dài)
David: Children of the rich.
Echo: 官二代 (guān èr dài)
David: Children of the officials.
Echo: 正面 (zhèngmiàn)
David: Positive.
Echo: 负面 (fùmiàn)
David: Negative.
Echo: 净 (jìng)
David: All, always.
Echo: 无恶不作 (wú'èbùzuò)
David: To do all sorts of wild deeds.
Echo: 拼爹 (pīn diē)
David: To compare fathers.
Echo: 出身 (chūshēn)
David: Family background.
Echo: 极端 (jíduān)
David: Extreme.
Echo: 极端 (jíduān)
David: Let’s take a closer look at some of these words and phrases. First up, we have the children of the rich and the children of officials.
Echo: 富二代,官二代 (Fù èr dài, guān èr dài)
David: Children of the rich.
Echo: 富二代 (Fù èr dài)
David: Literally rich second generation.
Echo: And 官二代 (And guān èr dài)
David: Right where 官 (Guān) here stands for
Echo: 中国的政府官员 (Zhōngguó de zhèngfǔ guānyuán)
David: Right. So the children of second generation officials. Both the children of officials and the children of the rich.
Echo: 对,都差不多其实。对吧,你在中国想有钱,你也要跟政府有点关系,你要是跟政府有关系你也会有钱。(Duì, dōu chàbùduō qíshí. Duì ba, nǐ zài zhōngguó xiǎng yǒu qián, nǐ yě yào gēn zhèngfǔ yǒudiǎn guānxì, nǐ yàoshi gēn zhèngfǔ yǒu guānxì nǐ yě huì yǒu qián.)
David: Yeah they are really close, it’s a really fun line. So people will often use these interchangeably.
Echo: 没错。(Méi cuò.)
David: All right. We’ve got positive news and negative news.
Echo: 正面,负面 (Zhèngmiàn, fùmiàn)
David: Right. Normally, most of the news about the children of officials is negative.
Echo: 对,很多关于官二代的新闻都是负面的。(Duì, hěnduō guānyú guān èr dài de xīnwén dōu shì fùmiàn de.)
David: Right. Most of the news about the children of the rich is negative.
Echo: 很多关于富二代的新闻也是负面的。(Hěnduō guānyú fù èr dài de xīnwén yěshì fùmiàn de.)
David: Right and the reason for this is related to another word of ours. It’s because the internet has made it really easy for news in China to become extreme.
Echo: 对,网上有些消息是比较极端的。(Duì, wǎngshàng yǒuxiē xiāoxī shì bǐjiào jíduān dì.)
David: Yeah and that’s interesting because it’s both a noun
Echo: 极端 (Jíduān)
David: As well as an adjective.
Echo: 极端 (Jíduān)
David: Right so you know you could say that he is becoming extreme.
Echo: 对,你可以说“千万不要走极端”,或者你也可以说“哎呀,现在有一些网上的愤青太极端了”。(Duì, nǐ kěyǐ shuō “qiān wàn bùyào zǒu jíduān”, huòzhě nǐ yě kěyǐ shuō “āiyā, xiànzài yǒu yīxiē wǎngshàng de fènqīng tài jíduānle”.)
David: Right. A lot of 愤青 (Fènqīng) which is our unofficial word for today. That’s describing kind of young…
Echo: 愤怒的青年 (Fènnù de qīngnián)
David: Younger people online who act really angrily all the time and you’d say that they are extremist.
Echo: 他们他极端了。(Tāmen tā jíduānle.)
David: Yeah. Their opinions are too extreme. We’ve also got the word to compare fathers.
Echo: 我最喜欢这个词:拼爹。(Wǒ zuì xǐhuān zhège cí: Pīn diē.)
David: Is this a real Chinese thing?
Echo: 对呀。(Duì ya.)
David: I don’t remember doing this as a kid myself.
Echo: 这个很多,(Zhège hěnduō,)
David: Yeah.
Echo: 这个从,其实从我父母那个年代就有。他们当时就是说,他们叫“比爹”,比谁的爹更厉害,从文化大革命的时候就有,一直到现在,一直都有。(Zhège cóng, qíshí cóng wǒ fùmǔ nàgè niándài jiù yǒu. Tāmen dāngshí jiùshì shuō, tāmen jiào “bǐ diē”, bǐ shéi de diē gèng lìhài, cóng wénhuà dàgémìng de shíhòu jiù yǒu, yīzhí dào xiànzài, yīzhí dōu yǒu.)
David: So this is a real Chinese thing and we’ve also got the word for family background there as well.
Echo: 出身,中国是一个最讲出身的国家。(Chūshēn, zhōngguó shì yīgè zuì jiǎng chūshēn de guójiā.)
David: Okay and with that, let’s move on to our grammar section. It’s grammar time. Okay our grammar point today is about a new adverb.

Lesson focus

Echo: 净 (Jìng)
David: All.
Echo: 净 (Jìng)
David: We are always…
Echo: 对,这一个“净”可以代替两个副词:“都”或者是“总是”。(Duì, zhè yīgè “jìng” kěyǐ dàitì liǎng gè fùcí:“Dōu” huòzhě shì “zǒng shì”.)
David: Right. It’s got two meanings and we are going to see that if we take a look at our line from the dialogue.
Echo: 这些少爷们怎么净不干正事啊。(Zhèxiē shàoyémen zěnme jìng bù gān zhèngshì a.)
David: Let’s hear that again.
Echo: 这些少爷们怎么净不干正事啊。(Zhèxiē shàoyémen zěnme jìng bù gān zhèngshì a.)
David: Right. So that’s ambiguous. It could mean one of two things.
Echo: 可以说,这些少爷们怎么都不干正事啊。(Kěyǐ shuō, zhèxiē shàoyémen zěnme dōu bù gān zhèngshì a.)
David: Yeah how can all of these whippersnappers be up to no good?
Echo: 对,或者是,这些少爷们怎么总是不干正事啊。(Duì, huòzhě shì, zhèxiē shàoyémen zěnme zǒng shì bù gān zhèngshì a.)
David: Yeah or how can they always be up to no good? Right, so it’s ambiguous in this context.
Echo: 但有一些时候还是比较清楚地。(Dàn yǒu yīxiē shíhòu háishì bǐjiào qīngchǔ dì.)
David: Yeah. And I guess in this context, it kind of carries the meaning of both of them although I’d lean more towards always because it sounds well. You know, some of them are….
Echo: 对,我也是。(Duì, wǒ yěshì.)
David: But yeah it’s a wonderful adverb because it’s got this built in ambiguity. Let’s take a look at some more examples.
Echo: 比如说:网上净是负面新闻。(Bǐrú shuō: Wǎngshàng jìng shì fùmiàn xīnwén.)
David: All of the news online is negative.
Echo: 网上净是负面新闻。(Wǎngshàng jìng shì fùmiàn xīnwén.)
David: How would we change that with 净 so that it means always as in, there is always negative news online.
Echo: 网上净有负面新闻。(Wǎngshàng jìng yǒu fùmiàn xīnwén.)
David: Yeah. So small detail there or it’s followed by
Echo: 有 (Yǒu)
David: Do you really meaning always whereas when it’s followed by
Echo: 是 (Shì)
David: It usually means all. Let’s look at some more examples.
Echo: 你净胡说,我哪是富二代。(Nǐ jìng húshuō, wǒ nǎ shì fù èr dài.)
David: And that’s always. You are always talking nonsense. What do you mean, I am a rich kid?
Echo: 你净胡说,我哪是富二代。(Nǐ jìng húshuō, wǒ nǎ shì fù èr dài.)
David: Yeah. This next example is one of my favorites.
Echo: 这净是愤青,有很多极端的观点。(Zhè jìng shì fènqīng, yǒu hěnduō jíduān dì guāndiǎn.)
David: Yeah you might say that about online forums in China.
Echo: 嗯,这净是愤青,有很多极端的观点。(Ń, zhè jìng shì fènqīng, yǒu hěnduō jíduān dì guāndiǎn.)
David: Right. Our clues there sure suggest we are talking about all. So all of the posters here are angry younger people.
Echo: 这净是愤青,有很多极端的观点。(Zhè jìng shì fènqīng, yǒu hěnduō jíduān dì guāndiǎn.)
David: Again we’ve got 是 (Shì) . So we are dealing with a sense of all.
Echo:嗯 (Ń)
David: Though and it means.
Echo: 这都是愤青 (Zhè dōu shì fènqīng)
David: Everyone here seems to be in angry.
Echo: 或者有很多的意思,有很多极端的观点。(Huòzhě yǒu hěnduō de yìsi, yǒu hěnduō jíduān dì guāndiǎn.)
David: There are a lot of extremist opinions right which is an apt description of the Chinese internet.
Echo: 这净是愤青,有很多极端的观点。(Zhè jìng shì fènqīng, yǒu hěnduō jíduān dì guāndiǎn.)
David: Perfect. So to review, we have a new adverb.
Echo: 净 (Jìng)
David: Which has two meanings.
Echo: “都”还有“总是” (“Dōu” hái yǒu “zǒng shì”)
David: Right. So you can forget those other two words we taught you and we just use 净 all the time.
Echo: 多练习 (Duō liànxí)


David: Okay. And with that, that’s our show for today. If you have any questions you know, you can send us an email, leave us a comment on the site. If you have not yet, do be sure to check it out in our PDFs.
Echo: 嗯,那上面净是好东西。(Ń, nà shàngmiàn jìng shì hǎo dōngxī.)
David: Yes we include the transcripts and vocab lists, the grammar point, cultural insight, everything in one handy download. So check them out. For now though, that’s all the time we have. From Beijing, I am David.
Echo: 我是Echo. (Wǒ shì Echo.)
David: Thanks for listening. We will see you on the site.
Echo: 下次见 Bye bye. (Xià cì jiàn Bye bye.)

