Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Hēi , dàjiā hǎo , wǒ jiào Mǎ Yànrú .Hi everybody! I’m Yànrú Mǎ.
Welcome to ChineseClass101.com’s “Sān fēnzhōng Hànyǔ”. The fastest, easiest, and most fun way to learn Chinese.
In the last lesson we learned how to count in Chinese. I hope you spent some time practicing numbers, because they will come in handy for this lesson. We’re going to learn how to go shopping in China!
Before we go, you need to know how to say “How much is this?”
Zhège duōshǎo qián?
[slowly] Zhège duōshǎo qián?
Are you ready to go shopping in China? Let’s go!
You see something you like and want to ask the shopkeeper how much it costs. The first thing to say is…qǐngwèn , do you remember what that means? "Excuse me!"
Qǐngwèn, zhège duōshǎo qián?
[slowly] Qǐngwèn, zhège duōshǎo qián?
If we want to be more specific when asking "how much is this?" or refer to a certain type of object, it’s super easy,we just need to add the noun.
For example, "màozi ", a hat.
Qǐngwèn, zhège màozi duōshǎo qián?
"Excuse me, how much is this hat?"
[slowly] Qǐngwèn, zhège màozi duōshǎo qián?
Another example “bēizi”, cup.
Qǐngwèn, zhège bēizi duō shǎo qián?
"Excuse me, how much is this cup?"
[slowly] Qǐngwèn, zhège bēizi duō shǎo qián?
At this point the shopkeeper can answer by saying:
Zhège... which means this.
and then the cost.
For example:
Zhège wǔshíwǔ Yuán.
What number is wǔshíwǔ ? I’m not telling you! Okay, okay, it’s "fifty-five"! "It costs fifty-five Yuan."
If you think it’s too expensive, say “Néng piányi diǎn ma?” This means “can it be a little cheaper?” It’s really useful in China, but it won’t work if you’re in something like a large department store where bargaining isn’t allowed.
At this point, can you count RMB in Chinese? We are going to learn how to do this and much more in the next lesson!
I'll be waiting for you in our next “Sān fēnzhōng Hànyǔ” lesson.
Zài jiàn!

