
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Brendan: Hello and welcome back to Chineseclass101.com, the easiest, fastest and funniest way to learn Chinese. I’m Brendan.
Echo: 嗨,大家好,我是Echo。 (Hāi, dàjiā hǎo, wǒ shì Echo.)
Brendan: Now, we’re coming at you today with Lower Intermediate Series, Season 1, Lesson #5 – “The Chinese Soccer League”.
Echo: Yes.
Brendan: In this lesson we will learn about sport in China.
Echo: Right. This conversation takes place at home.
Brendan: It’s between a couple who are watching sports on television.
Echo: So, they’re speaking casual mandarin.
Brendan: Yes. Now, we’re going to take you to the dialogue, but before we do that, just a reminder. If you would like to talk to somebody about sports or anything else, in Chinese, we’ve got one on one tutors who you can contact through the website and they will help you improve your mandarin with personalized lesson plans, designed and tailored just for you.
Echo: Right.
Brendan: Let’s get to the dialogue. I don’t think there’s much of a competition there.
A:哎呀,太紧张了,我受不了了。(āiya, tài jǐnzhāng le, wǒshòu buliǎo le.)
A:球赛太紧张了,真受不了。(Qiúsài tài jǐnzhāng le, zhēn shòubuliǎo.)
B:就剩一分钟了。看!他要射门了。(Jiù shèng yīfēnzhōng le. Kàn! tāyào shèménle.)
A:怎么样了?(Zěnmeyàng le ?)
B:输了,我去睡了!(Shūle, wǒqù shuì le!)
Brendan: Once more, slowly.
A:哎呀,太紧张了,我受不了了。(āiya, tài jǐnzhāng le, wǒshòu buliǎo le.)
A:球赛太紧张了,真受不了。(Qiúsài tài jǐnzhāng le, zhēn shòubuliǎo.)
B:就剩一分钟了。看!他要射门了。(Jiù shèng yīfēnzhōng le. Kàn! tāyào shèménle.)
A:怎么样了?(Zěnmeyàng le ?)
B:输了,我去睡了!(Shūle, wǒqù shuì le!)
Brendan: And now, with English translation.
A:哎呀,太紧张了,我受不了了。(āiya, tài jǐnzhāng le, wǒshòu buliǎo le.)
A: This is too stressful, I can't take it.
B: What?
A:球赛太紧张了,真受不了。(Qiúsài tài jǐnzhāng le, zhēn shòubuliǎo.)
A: The game is too close. I can't take it.
B:就剩一分钟了。看!他要射门了。(Jiù shèng yīfēnzhōng le. Kàn! tāyào shèménle.)
B: But there's only a minute left, look! He's about to shoot!
A:怎么样了?(Zěnmeyàng le ?)
A: What happened?!
B:输了,我去睡了! (Shūle, wǒqù shuì le!)
B: We lost, I'm going to bed.
Echo: 为什么? (Wèishéme?)
Brendan: well, if that was the Beijing soccer team, 关 (Guān) they never had a chance. They’re pretty much destined to lose from the .
Echo: 差不多。 (Chàbùduō.)
Brendan: It is. It’s pretty much a love nature.
Echo: 反正我不看足球。 (Fǎnzhèng wǒ bù kàn zúqiú.)
Brendan: Yes, but you’re from Beijing?
Echo: 对,所以我不看足球。 (Duì, suǒyǐ wǒ bù kàn zúqiú.)
Brendan: Wise. Anyway, our vocabulary for today is all about sports.
Echo: Right. Let’s get to it.
C: And now, the vocab section.
Echo: 运动 (yùndòng)
Brendan: “Sports”
Echo: 比赛 (bǐsài)
Brendan: “Match”
Echo: 冠军 (guànjūn)
Brendan: “Champion”
Echo: 团队 (tuánduì)
Brendan: “Team”
Echo: 运动员 (yùndòngyuán)
Brendan: “Athlete”
Echo: 进球 (jìnqiú)
Brendan: “To score a goal”
Echo: 紧张 (jǐnzhāng)
Brendan: “Nervous”
Echo: 世界杯 (shìjièbēi)
Brendan: “Rolled cup”
Echo: 足球队 (zúqiúduì)
Brendan: “Football team”
Echo: 足球队 (zúqiúduì)
Brendan: Now, let’s take a closer look at the usage of some of the words we just learned.
Echo: 第一个词:运动 (Dì yī gè cí: Yùndòng)
Brendan: “Sports”
Echo: 运动 (Yùndòng)
Brendan: “Sports”
Echo: And we also have 运动员。 (Yùndòngyuán.)
Brendan: “Athlete”
Echo:运动员 (Yùndòngyuán.)
Brendan: “Athlete”
Echo: So, we learned 服务 (Fúwù) and 服务员。 (Fúwùyuán.)
Brendan: Yes, guys, you know this by now.
Echo: So, let’s have a sample sentence.
Brendan: Ok.
Echo: 大多数年轻人都热爱运动。 (Dà duōshù niánqīng rén dōu rè'ài yùndòng.)
Brendan: “Most young people are fans of sports.”
Echo:大多数年轻人都热爱运动。 (Dà duōshù niánqīng rén dōu rè'ài yùndòng.)
Brendan: “Most young people are fans of sports.”
Echo: Or 你觉得这个运动员怎么样? (Nǐ juédé zhège yùndòngyuán zěnme yàng?)
Brendan: “What do you think about this athlete?”
Echo: 你觉得这个运动员怎么样? (Nǐ juédé zhège yùndòngyuán zěnme yàng?)
Brendan: “What do you think about this athlete?”
Echo: Yes, we have a 比赛. Bǐsài.
Brendan: Or “match”.
Echo: There’s usually a 冠军. (Guànjūn.)
Brendan: Or “champion”.
Echo: Yes, we have 比赛. (Bǐsài.)
Brendan: “Match”
Echo: And 冠军. (Guànjūn.)
Brendan: “Champion”
Echo: 这场比赛真精彩! (Zhè chǎng bǐsài zhēn jīngcǎi!)
Brendan: “This is a really great match.”
Echo: 这场比赛真精彩! (Zhè chǎng bǐsài zhēn jīngcǎi!)
Brendan: “This is a really great match.”
Echo: 西班牙是这次比赛的冠军。 (Xībānyá shì zhè cì bǐsài de guànjūn.)
Brendan: “Spain is the champion of this match.”
Echo:西班牙是这次比赛的冠军。 (Xībānyá shì zhè cì bǐsài de guànjūn.)
Brendan: “Spain is the champion of this match.” Now, pay attention to the measure word there.
Echo: 次 (Cì)
Brendan: “This time”
Echo: And do you still remember our first lesson?
Brendan: The one about the rock band?
Echo: Yes. 摇滚乐队 (Cì yáogǔn yuèduì)
Brendan: Right.
Echo: Our next word is similar. Is 团队. (Tuánduì.)
Brendan: “Team”
Echo: 团队 (Tuánduì.)
Brendan: “Team”
Echo: As in the sentence 团队合作在比赛中很重要。(Tuánduì hézuò zài bǐsài zhōng hěn zhòngyào.)
Brendan: “Team cooperation is very important in competitions.”
Echo: 团队合作在比赛中很重要。 (Tuánduì hézuò zài bǐsài zhōng hěn zhòngyào.)
Brendan: You may also remember the words “united”.
Echo: 团结 (Tuánjié)
Brendan: And “squad”.
Echo: 队伍 (Duìwǔ)
Brendan: That’s what a team is in Chinese.
Echo: Yes. 团结的队伍。 (Tuánjié de duìwǔ.)
Brendan: Yes, “united squad”.
Echo: So, 团队。 (Tuánduì.)
Brendan: We also have some soccer specific vocabulary in this lesson. So, if you’re a soccer for soccer, check out the premium Learning Center to review that material.
Echo: Yes.
Brendan: For now, though, let’s go on to the grammar section.
Echo: 好的。 (Hǎo de.)

Lesson focus

Brendan: Today we are going to learn the impossible.
Echo: 不了了。 (Bùliǎole.)
Brendan: Can we hear that again?
Echo: 不了了。 (Bùliǎole.)
Brendan: In our dialogue we heard the sentence:
Echo: 我受不了了。 (Wǒ shòu bùliǎole.)
Brendan: Now, that 了 (liǎo) was actually written with the same character as 了 (le)。
Echo: Yes, 没错。 (Méi cuò.)
Brendan: It’s pronounced 了 (liǎo) when it’s been used as a verb complement to indicate a possible result.
Echo: Right. So, we can say 来不了了。 (Lái bu liǎo le.)
Brendan: “Can’t come.”
Echo: 赢不了了。 (Yíng bùliǎole.)
Brendan: “Can’t win.”
Echo: Such as 他来不了了。 (Tā lái bu liǎo liǎo.)
Brendan: “He can’t make it.”
Echo: 这个球队赢不了了。 (Zhège qiú duì yíng bùliǎole.)
Brendan: “This soccer team can’t win.” Now, what we’re really saying is “it’s impossible”.
Echo: Like 我受不了了。 (Wǒ shòu bùliǎole.)
Brendan: “I can’t take it.” Literally, it’s impossible to 受 (shòu) or “to stand.”
Echo: Yes, and the last 了(Le) is a change of state.
Brendan: Right. We added because it’s just become this way. You’re not always unable to take it, it’s just right now.
Echo: Yes. 我受不了了。 (Wǒ shòu bùliǎole.)
Brendan: “I can’t stand it”, right now.
Echo: 我受不了了。(Wǒ shòu bùliǎole.) Ok, one more thing.
Brendan: Yes, it’s the opposite. Instead of saying something is impossible we want to say it is possible.
Echo: Right. So, we replace 不 (bù) with 得(dé).
Brendan: Right. As in “to be able to take something”.
Echo: 受得了。 (Shòu déliǎo.)
Brendan: Or “to be able to win”.
Echo: 赢得了。 (Yíng déliǎo.) 这个一点儿也不难。(Zhège yīdiǎnr yě bù nán.)
Brendan: Now, it really isn’t. It’s just, the hard part is just remembering it. Once you remember it, you’re set.
Echo: Yes, just remember. The first is 了(liǎo), and the second is 了(le).
Brendan: Yeah, it’s a little confusing at first because they’re written with the same character, but as long as you remember that the first one is 了(liǎo), and the second is 了(le), you’re a-ok. You’ll always see this after a verb, as a verb complement. Our transcript has got a lot of examples of this and a few more details that we don’t have time to cover today. So, be sure to check it out.
Echo: Yes.


Brendan: That just about does it for today. Premium members, do not forget to subscribe to the premium feed.
Echo: One of our most powerful vab 2.0 features to dict.
Brendan: The premium feed gives you the power to easily and effortlessly get all of the content.
Echo: Audio files, PDFs, videos, get everything we have.
Brendan: Everything with just a click of a button you can get it through items.
Echo: Now, the premium member, and want to test it out…
Brendan: Get the sample feed at Chineseclass101.com.
Echo: 没错。 (Méi cuò.)
Brendan: From Beijing, I’m Brendan.
Echo: 我是 (Wǒ shì) Echo.
Brendan: Good luck!
Echo: See you on the site!

