
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Brendan: Welcome to Chineseclass101, the easiest, fastest and funniest way to learn Chinese. I’m Brendan.
Echo: 嗨,大家好,我是Echo。(Hāi, dàjiā hǎo, wǒ shì Echo.)
Brendan: And we’ve a lesson today Lower Intermediate Series, Season 1, Lesson 7 – “The confused Chinese athlete”.
Echo: Right.
Brendan: This goes out to all of our Canadian listeners.
Echo: Yes, all of hockey.
Brendan: Yes, your national pastime leading the basis of your economy. It even takes place in Skidding Rick.
Echo: Yes. But there’s no hockey’s men here. Just regular mandarin. So, the rest of you, 别担心。(Bié dānxīn.)
Brendan: Yes, it’s not a total waste of time. We’re going to take you to the dialogue in a moment, but before we do that, a reminder. We have got online tutors who are standing by just waiting to help you improve your Chinese with customized learning plans, tailored just for you.
Echo: 没错。(Méi cuò.)
Brendan: Let’s go to the dialogue.
Echo: 好的。 (Hǎo de.)
A:你准备好打冰球了吗? (Nǐ zhǔnbèi hǎo dǎ bīngqiú le ma?)
B:是的,不过我很多年没玩了。(Shì de, búguò wǒ hěn duōniánméi wán le.)
A:你的冰鞋呢?(Nǐ de bīngxié ne?)
A:还有,你的球杆呢?(Hái yǒu, nǐ de qiú gān ne?)
B:球杆?哎呀,好冷啊!(Qiú gān? āiya, hǎo Lěng A1!)
A:你玩过冰球吗?(Nǐ wán guo bīngqiú ma?)
B:或许我说的是棒球……(Huòxǔ wǒ shuō de shì bàngqiú ......)
Brendan: Once more, slowly.
A:你准备好打冰球了吗? (Nǐ zhǔnbèi hǎo dǎ bīngqiú le ma?)
B:是的,不过我很多年没玩了。(Shì de, búguò wǒ hěn duōniánméi wán le.)
A:你的冰鞋呢?(Nǐ de bīngxié ne?)
A:还有,你的球杆呢?(Hái yǒu, nǐ de qiú gān ne?)
B:球杆?哎呀,好冷啊!(Qiú gān? āiya, hǎo Lěng A1!)
A:你玩过冰球吗?(Nǐ wán guo bīngqiú ma?)
B:或许我说的是棒球……(Huòxǔ wǒ shuō de shì bàngqiú ......)
Brendan: And now, with English translation.
A:你准备好打冰球了吗? (Nǐ zhǔnbèi hǎo dǎ bīngqiú le ma?)
A: Are you ready to play hockey?
B:是的,不过我很多年没玩了。(Shì de, búguò wǒ hěn duōniánméi wán le.)
B: Yeah, but I haven't played in years.
A:你的冰鞋呢?(Nǐ de bīngxié ne?)
A: Where are your skates?
B: Skates?
A:还有,你的球杆呢?(Hái yǒu, nǐ de qiú gān ne?)
A: And where's your hockey stick?
B:球杆?哎呀,好冷啊!(Qiú gān? āiya, hǎo Lěng A1!)
B: Hockey stick? Is it so cold?
A:你玩过冰球吗?(Nǐ wán guo bīngqiú ma?)
A: Have you played ice hockey before?
B:或许我说的是棒球……(Huòxǔ wǒ shuō de shì bàngqiú ......)
B: Maybe I mean baseball.
Brendan: This is how I feel about pretty much old sports, actually. Just completely confused.
Echo: I went to a hockey game once. The players were cute.
Brendan: Were there any Chinese players?
Echo: I don’t think so.
Brendan: Maybe this guy just got ripped into it.
Echo: Well, actually, I don’t know any Chinese who plays hockey. Or heard of it, though. It’s on ice.
Brendan: So, so what you’re saying is that this is a pretty realistic dialogue, huh?
Echo: I guess so. Sorry, Canada.
Brendan: No need to apologize, nobody takes hockey seriously anyway. And we’ve got a full lesson here for maybe the one or two people who do take it seriously. It has all the hockey vocabulary anybody will ever want to know.
Echo: And some really useful words in general.
Brendan: Let’s get to it.
C: And now, the vocab section.
Brendan: Let’s take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
Echo: 冰球 (bīngqiú)
Brendan: “Ice hockey”
Echo: 球杆 (qiú gān)
Brendan: “Hockey stick”
Echo: 运动衫 (yùndòng shān)
Brendan: “Sports jersey”
Echo: 滑冰 (huábīng)
Brendan: “To skate”
Echo: 防守 (fángshǒu)
Brendan: “To play defense”
Echo: 进攻 (jìngōng)
Brendan: “To play offense”
Echo: 滑冰场 (huábīngchǎng)
Brendan: “Skating rink”
Echo: 冰鞋 (bīngxié)
Brendan: “Ice skates”
Echo: 棒球 (bàngqiú)
Brendan: “Baseball”
Echo: 棒球 (bàngqiú)
Brendan: All right. Now, let’s take a closer look at the usage for some of the words that we just learned.
Echo: Yes. 第一个词:冰球。(Dì yī gè cí: Bīngqiú.)
Brendan: “Hockey”
Echo: 冰球 (Bīngqiú)
Brendan: “Hockey”
Echo: 你玩过冰球吗?(Nǐ wánguò bīngqiú ma?)
Brendan: They forced me to play it a couple of times in gym class.
Echo: 真的。(Zhēn de.)
Brendan: Yes, once or twice, but, you know, I grew up in the States, and so its stereotypically it would be baseball there rather than hockey.
Echo: 棒球 (Bàngqiú)
Brendan: Yes, “baseball”.
Echo: 棒球,你会打棒球吗?(Bàngqiú, nǐ huì dǎ bàngqiú ma?)
Brendan: What do you think? Not so much. What about you?
Echo: 棒球 (Bàngqiú)
Brendan: Now, it’s actually interesting. Let’s listen to those verbs again. When you’re playing baseball, you hit it.
Echo: 打,打棒球 (Dǎ, dǎ bàngqiú)
Brendan: But hockey is something you play.
Echo: Yes, usually we’ll say 玩冰球. (Wán bīngqiú.)
Brendan: Right. And you do that because it’s a childish game. Something that, really, a grown adult would not take seriously.
Echo: Oh, Brendan.
Brendan: So, you play it?
Echo: Yes. 玩冰球。(Wán bīngqiú.)
Brendan: Rather than hitting it as you would with baseball.
Echo: Yes. 打棒球。(Dǎ bàngqiú.)
Brendan: What about football? Or soccer?
Echo: 我们说:踢足球。(Wǒmen shuō: Tī zúqiú.)
Brendan: Right. So, you’re literally kicking football.
Echo: Yes, 因为用脚,所以:踢足球. (Yīnwèi yòng jiǎo, suǒyǐ: Tī zúqiú.)
Brendan: What about bowling?
Echo: 打,打保龄球。(Dǎ, dǎ bǎolíngqiú.)
Brendan: Now, our next word is?
Echo: 滑冰 (Huábīng)
Brendan: “To skate”
Echo: 滑冰,我特别喜欢滑冰。(Huábīng, wǒ tèbié xǐhuān huábīng.)
Brendan: Yes, now that’s literally “to slide”.
Echo: Yes. 滑 (Huá)
Brendan: And “ice”.
Echo: 冰。其实我刚才想说的是“我特别喜欢看人滑冰”。(Bīng. Qíshí wǒ gāngcái xiǎng shuō de shì “wǒ tèbié xǐhuān kàn rén huábīng”.)
Brendan: Yes, that’s how I feel about most of this stuff. And, ice skate is not surprisingly close to another word in our vocab list: “ice rink”.
Echo: 滑冰场 (Huábīng chǎng)
Brendan: Or “skating rink”.
Echo: 滑冰场 (Huábīng chǎng)
Brendan: Really, a skating arena.
Echo: Yes, or you can also say 冰场 (Bīng chǎng) it’s fine.
Brendan: Yes. Finally we’ve got words for playing defense and playing offense.
Echo: Yes, defense is 防守.(Fángshǒu.)
Brendan: And offense is?
Echo: 进攻 (Jìngōng)
Brendan: Let’s hear those again.
Echo: 防守 (Fángshǒu)
Brendan: “Defense”
Echo: 进攻 (Jìngōng)
Brendan: “Offense.” Now, those work for all sports.
Echo: Yes. You can say 这个运动员非常善于进攻。(Zhège yùndòngyuán fēicháng shànyú jìngōng.)
Brendan: “This player’s really good on offense.”
Echo: 这个运动员非常善于进攻。(Zhège yùndòngyuán fēicháng shànyú jìngōng.)
Brendan: “This player’s really good on offense.”
Echo: Yes, but you won’t say that about a Chinese team.
Brendan: Well, certainly not football teams.
Echo: You may say this: 这个队的防守不行。(Zhège duì de fángshǒu bùxíng.)
Brendan: “This team’s defense is no good.”
Echo: 这个队的防守不行。(Zhège duì de fángshǒu bùxíng.)
Brendan: And that pretty much comprehensively describes the entire China soccer league.
Echo: 差不多 (Chàbùduō)
Brendan: So, a lot of sports vocab, and especially hockey related vocabulary. Once again.
Echo: 冰球 (Bīngqiú)
Brendan: “Ice hockey”
Echo: 棒球 (Bàngqiú)
Brendan: “Baseball”
Echo: 滑冰场 (Huábīng chǎng)
Brendan: “Skating rink”
Echo: 防守 (Fángshǒu)
Brendan: “Defense’
Echo: And 进攻.(Jìngōng.)
Brendan: “Offense.” Great. Baring that in mind, let’s go on to the grammar section. This is my favorite part.

Lesson focus

Echo: And the focus of this lesson is on the Past Perfect Tense.
Brendan: Or, its equivalent in Chinese. In our dialogue, we heard this:
Echo: 你玩过冰球吗?(Nǐ wánguò bīngqiú ma?)
Brendan: “Have you played hockey before?”
Echo: 你玩过冰球吗?(Nǐ wánguò bīngqiú ma?)
Brendan: Now, we’ve run into 过 (guò) before.
Echo: Yes. 玩过冰球 or 打过棒球. (Wánguò bīngqiú or dǎguò bàngqiú.)
Brendan: Right. We put it after verbs to suggest that the action has happened in the past.
Echo: Today we have something more difficult.
Brendan: Yes, a little bit. And what it is, is if we add 没 (méi) before our verb, we change the meaning.
Echo: 对。(Duì.)
Brendan: It suggests that the action never happened.
Echo: Then we heard the question: 你没玩过冰球吗? (Nǐ méi wánguò bīngqiú ma?)
Brendan: “You’ve never played hockey?”
Echo: 你没玩过冰球吗? (Nǐ méi wánguò bīngqiú ma?)
Brendan: “You’ve never played hockey?
Echo: Yes. 没 (Méi) verb 过。(Guò.)
Brendan: And that just means “never”. How about another example?
Echo: Ok. 张明好久没踢过球了。(Zhāng míng hǎojiǔ méi tīguò qiúle.)
Brendan: “Zhang Ming hasn’t played soccer in a while.”
Echo: 张明好久没踢过球了。(Zhāng míng hǎojiǔ méi tīguò qiúle.)
Brendan: “Zhang Ming hasn’t played soccer in a while.”
Echo: 他好久没有抽过烟。(Tā hǎojiǔ méiyǒu chōuguò yān.)
Brendan: “He hasn’t smoked for a long time.”
Echo: 他好久没有抽过烟。(Tā hǎojiǔ méiyǒu chōuguò yān.)
Brendan: Yes, good for him.
Echo: Yes. 好久 (Hǎojiǔ) We can also say 很久。(Hěnjiǔ.)
Brendan: “Very long”
Echo: But, before we go, one more thing.
Brendan: What’s that?
Echo: If someone asked you a question using this 你玩过冰球吗?(Nǐ wánguò bīngqiú ma?)
Brendan: Right. You should answer in the same tense.
Echo: Right. 玩过 (Wánguò) or 没玩过。(Méi wánguò.)
Brendan: Right. You don’t need to repeat the subject.
Echo: So, Brandon, 你今年回过家吗?(Nǐ jīnnián huíguò jiā ma?)
Brendan: 回过。(Huíguò.)
Echo: 哦,很好。(Ó, hěn hǎo.)
Brendan: Yes, it was nice.
Echo: 你是一个幸福的小孩儿。(Nǐ shì yīgè xìngfú de xiǎo hái'ér.)
Brendan: I am filial. 很孝顺 (Hěn xiàoshùn).


Brendan: Anyway, that just about does it for our lesson for today. Stop by ChineseClass101.com and pick up the lesson notes.
Echo: Yes, it has a conversation transcript.
Brendan: Vocabulary, sample sentences, a grammar explanation.
Echo: And a Cultural Insight section.
Brendan: Seen the Chinese written down for you…
Echo: Really helps you remember faster.
Brendan: But, don’t take our word for it. Please, have a look for yourself.
Echo: Yes, and let us know what you think.
Brendan: If you have any questions or any comments…
Echo: Please come to the site and leave a comment or write to us at contactus@ChineseClass101.com.
Brendan: And we look forward to hearing from you. From Beijing, I’m Brendan.
Echo: 我是 (Wǒ shì) Echo.
Brendan: Have fun.
Echo: 下次见,拜拜。(xià cì jiàn, bàibài.)

