
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Yinru: Hi everyone, I’m Yinru.
Yuriy: And I’m Yuriy. Welcome back to ChineseClass101.com. This is lower intermediate, season 2 lesson 13 - Please Show Me the Way To Delicious Food in China! In this lesson, we’ll learn how to ask on which road a place is located.
Yinru: Yes, we’re going to compare two phrases: 在...路上(Zài... Lùshàng) and 在路上(Zài lùshàng).
Yuriy: The conversation takes place in an office between Tom and Liu.
Yinru: We know that they’re good friends, so they’ll be using informal language.
Yuriy: Let’s listen to the conversation, And find out which place they’re talking about and where it’s located.

Lesson conversation

刘: 我发现一个特别好吃的餐馆。(LIÚ : wǒ fāxiàn yí ge tèbié hǎochī de cānguǎn.)
Tom: 有什么菜?(yǒu shénme cài?)
刘:越南菜。(LIÚ : Yuènán cài.)
Tom: 我特别爱吃越南牛肉粉!快告诉我,在哪条路上?(wǒ tèbié ài chī Yuènán niúròu fěn ! kuài gàosu wǒ, zài nǎ tiáo lùshang?)
刘:在复兴中路上。(LIÚ : zài Fùīngzhōnglù shàng.)
Tom: 复兴中路?靠近什么路?(TOM: Fùīngzhōnglù? kàojìn shénme lù?)
刘:复兴中路靠近宝庆路。(LIÚ : Fùīngzhōnglù kàojìn Bǎoqìnglù.)
Yuriy: Let’s hear the conversation one time slowly.
刘: 我发现一个特别好吃的餐馆。(LIÚ : wǒ fāxiàn yí ge tèbié hǎochī de cānguǎn.)
Tom: 有什么菜?(yǒu shénme cài?)
刘:越南菜。(LIÚ : Yuènán cài.)
Tom: 我特别爱吃越南牛肉粉!快告诉我,在哪条路上?(wǒ tèbié ài chī Yuènán niúròu fěn ! kuài gàosu wǒ, zài nǎ tiáo lùshang?)
刘:在复兴中路上。(LIÚ : zài Fùīngzhōnglù shàng.)
Tom: 复兴中路?靠近什么路?(TOM: Fùīngzhōnglù? kàojìn shénme lù?)
刘:复兴中路靠近宝庆路。(LIÚ : Fùīngzhōnglù kàojìn Bǎoqìnglù.)
Yuriy: Now let’s hear it with the English translation.
刘:我发现一个特别好吃的餐馆。(LIÚ : wǒ fāxiàn yí ge tèbié hǎochī de cānguǎn.)
Yuriy: I found a very delicious restaurant.
Tom: 有什么菜?(yǒu shénme cài?)
Yuriy: What kind of food do they have?
刘:越南菜。(LIÚ : Yuènán cài.)
Yuriy: Vietnamese food.
Tom: 我特别爱吃越南牛肉粉!快告诉我,在哪条路上?(wǒ tèbié ài chī Yuènán niúròu fěn ! kuài gàosu wǒ, zài nǎ tiáo lùshang?)
Yuriy: I love Vietnamese beef pho! Tell me now, which road is it on?
刘:在复兴中路上。(LIÚ : zài Fùīngzhōnglù shàng.)
Yuriy: It's on Middle Fuxing Road.
Tom: 复兴中路?靠近什么路?(TOM: Fùīngzhōnglù? kàojìn shénme lù?)
Yuriy: Middle Fuxing Road? Adjacent to which road?
刘:复兴中路靠近宝庆路。(LIÚ : Fùīngzhōnglù kàojìn Bǎoqìnglù.)
Yuriy: Middle Fuxing Road is adjacent to Baoqing Road.
Yinru: Have you noticed how the names of roads in China are pretty interesting?
Yuriy: Ah yes, it seems that many roads use city names.
Yinru: That’s what I’d like to share with our listeners. In many cities in China, roads are named after other cities.
Yuriy: What’s the busiest road in Shanghai called?
Yinru: Hmmm…Are you talking about 南京路? (Nánjīng lù?)
Yuriy: That’s the one! I know that’s a city name.
Yinru: 南京 (Nánjīng)is the capital city of 江苏 (Jiāngsū) province on the East Coast in China.
Yuriy: Are streets only named after major cities?
Yinru: Not necessarily. Some of them are named after other provinces in China, and some are named after small cities, too.
Yuriy: By knowing different road names, you can become familiar with the names of a lot of different cities and provinces in China. That’s useful!
Yinru: Isn’t it? You may find this interesting, too. In Shanghai, roads running from east to west are mostly named after major cities, like 南京路,福州路,南昌路.(Nánjīng lù, fúzhōu lù, nánchāng lù.) Roads running from north to south are named after provinces, such as 江苏路, 陕西路, 西藏路.(Jiāngsū lù, shǎnxī lù, xīzàng lù.)
Yuriy: Ah, I see.
Yinru: When a road is really long, it’s divided into different sections. For example, we have 南京东路(Nánjīng dōng lù), “East Nanjing Road;” 合肥中路(Héféi zhōnglù), “Middle Hefei Road;” and 陕西南路(Shǎnxī nánlù), “South Shanxi Road.”
Yuriy: Are all of the roads named after places?
Yinru: Not really. Research shows that the number one name used in China is 中山路(Zhōngshān lù), meaning “Zhongshan Road,” named after the revolutionist Dr. 孙中山(Sūnzhōngshān). He’s the father of the Republic of China. The second most popular name is 人民路(Rénmín lù), meaning the “People’s Road.”
Yuriy: Okay, now onto the vocab.
Yuriy: Let's take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
: The first word we shall see is:
Yinru: 发现 (Fāxiàn)[natural native speed]
Yuriy: to find
Yinru: 发现 (Fāxiàn)[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Yinru: 发现 (Fāxiàn)[natural native speed]
: Next:
Yinru: 特别 (Tèbié)[natural native speed]
Yuriy: especially
Yinru: 特别 (Tèbié)[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Yinru: 特别 (Tèbié)[natural native speed]
: Next:
Yinru: 越南 (Yuènán)[natural native speed]
Yuriy: Vietnam, Vietnamese
Yinru: 越南 (Yuènán)[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Yinru: 越南 (Yuènán)[natural native speed]
: Next:
Yinru: 牛肉 (Niúròu)[natural native speed]
Yuriy: beef
Yinru: 牛肉 (Niúròu)[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Yinru: 牛肉 (Niúròu)[natural native speed]
: Next:
Yinru: 粉 (Fěn)[natural native speed]
Yuriy: rice noodle
Yinru: 粉 (Fěn)[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Yinru: 粉 (Fěn)[natural native speed]
: Next:
Yinru: 条 (Tiáo)[natural native speed]
Yuriy: measure word for long, thin objects
Yinru: 条 (Tiáo)[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Yinru: 条 (Tiáo)[natural native speed]
: Next:
Yinru: 靠近 (Kàojìn)[natural native speed]
Yuriy: close to, adjacent to
Yinru: 靠近 (Kàojìn)[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Yinru: 靠近 (Kàojìn)[natural native speed]
: And Last:
Yinru: 路 (Lù)[natural native speed]
Yuriy: road, way
Yinru: 路 (Lù)[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Yinru: 路 (Lù)[natural native speed]
Yuriy: Let’s take a closer look at the usage of some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Yinru: In this lesson’s key vocabulary, we’re going to introduce a new measure word: 条.(Tiáo.)
Yuriy: It’s often used to describe thin, long, narrow objects.
Yinru: Other than 一条路(Tiáo lù), used in the conversation, we can also use this measure word for 一条河, 一条线, and 一条鱼.(Yītiáo hé, yītiáo xiàn, and yītiáo yú.)
Yuriy: These mean “A river,” “a line,” and “a fish.” respectively.
Yinru: Here’s a sample sentence: 这条河从南往北流向长江.(Zhè tiáo hé cóng nán wǎng běi liúxiàng chángjiāng.)
Yuriy: “This river runs from south to north, emptying into the Yangtze River.”
Yinru: It’s also used to count garments such as: 一条裤子, 一条裙子, 一条围巾, and 一条领带.(Yītiáo kùzi, yītiáo qúnzi, yītiáo wéijīn, and yītiáo lǐngdài.)
Yuriy: Meaning “a pair of pants,” “a dress,” “a scarf,” and “a tie.” respectively
Yinru: 条 (Tiáo) can also be used in front of nouns such as “news,” “ideas,” and “laws.”
Yuriy: For example, for “a piece of news” we can say...
Yinru: 一条新闻.(Yītiáo xīnwén.)
Yuriy: “A piece of advice.”
Yinru: 一条建议.(Yītiáo jiànyì..)
Yuriy: “A text message.”
Yinru: 一条短信(Yītiáo duǎnxìn). Our next key vocabulary word is 靠近(Kàojìn).
Yuriy: In this dialogue, it’s a preposition meaning “close to” or “toward.”
Yinru: For example, 儿童书在靠近右边的架子上.(Értóng shū zài kàojìn yòubiān de jiàzi shàng.)
Yuriy: “Children’s books are on the shelf to the right.”
Yinru: 靠近河边有很多漂亮的石头.(Kàojìn hé biān yǒu hěnduō piàoliang de shítou.)
Yuriy: “There are many pretty stones close to the river.”
Yinru: 靠近 (Kàojìn)can also be used as a verb, meaning “to get close to.”
Yuriy: Let’s look at some sample sentences.
Yinru: 它慢慢地在向猎物靠近.(Tā màn man de zài xiàng lièwù kàojìn.)
Yuriy: “It’s getting close to its prey slowly.”
Yinru: 当她靠近我的时候, 我都快不能呼吸了.(Dāng tā kàojìn wǒ de shíhòu, wǒ dū kuài bùnéng hūxīle.)
Yuriy: “When she was getting close to me, I almost couldn’t breathe.”
Yinru: Good! Now let’s move on…
Yuriy: Okay, now onto the grammar.

Lesson focus

Yinru: In this lesson, we’re going to compare two phrases: 在...路上 and 在路上.(Zài... Lùshàng and zài lùshàng.)
Yuriy: They look similar but are different.
Yinru: Let’s look at the first phrase. By putting a road name between 在 and 路上(Zài and lùshàng), the phrase means “on [a certain] road,” just like in our lesson, 在复兴路上(Zài fùxīng lùshàng), “on Fuxing Road.”
Yuriy: Can you give us another example?
Yinru: Sure. 那家店在中山路上(Nà jiā diàn zài zhōngshān lùshàng). It means…
Yuriy: “That shop is on Zhongshan Road.”
Yinru: 没错(Méi cuò).
Yuriy: Sometimes a place is not located on a certain road, but at an intersection. How do you say that?
Yinru: You can put 和 (Hé)between the road names to indicate an intersection. For example, 在复兴路和宝庆路上(Zài fùxīng lù hé bǎo qìng lùshàng).
Yuriy: Sometimes a road is very long, and it’s impossible to find a location just by the road name.
Yinru: Yes, that’s very common. So to tell different locations apart, a Chinese local may say 在...路(Zài... Lù), 靠近...路(Kàojìn... Lù), meaning “it’s on [this] road, close to [another] road.” By going to the intersection of these two roads, the location will be easier to find.
Yuriy: This phrasing can be helpful when taking a taxi.
Yinru: Yeah. You hop in a taxi and say : 师傅, 去南京路靠近广东路。(Shīfù, qù nánjīng lù kàojìn guǎngdōng lù.) The taxi driver will know you are going to Nanjing road near Guangdong Road.
Yuriy: Are there any other occasions that we can use this phrase
Yinru: 在...路上? (Zài... Lùshàng?)
Yinru: Yes. We can use it with other destinations or actions, not just with road names, to indicate that you’re “on the way” to a place.
Yuriy: Here are some examples:
Yinru: 在回家的路上.(Zài huí jiā de lùshàng.)
Yuriy: “On the way back home.”
Yinru: 在去看电影的路上(Zài qù kàn diànyǐng de lùshàng)
Yuriy: “On the way to see a movie.”
Yinru: Other than this, 在...路上 (Zài... Lùshàng)can also be used metaphorically.
Yuriy: What do you mean?
Yinru: I’ll explain by giving you some sample sentences. 在成功的路上, 我们总会经历失败.(Zài chénggōng de lùshàng, wǒmen zǒng huì jīnglì shībài.)
Yuriy: “On the road to success, we always experience failures.”
Yinru: Here’s another. 在人生路上, 我们总是在不停地得到,也在不停地失去.(Zài rénshēng lùshàng, wǒmen zǒng shì zài bù tíng de dédào, yě zài bù tíng de shīqù.)
Yuriy: “On the road of life, we’re constantly gaining and constantly losing.”
Yinru: Now do you understand what I meant by “metaphorically?”
Yuriy: Sure, it’s not a real road or destination, but you’re saying that we’re “on the way or in the process of achieving or doing something.”
Yinru: That’s correct.
Yuriy: Now let’s take a look at our second phrase.
Yinru: 在路上(Zài lùshàng). It is often used in everyday Chinese, meaning “I’m on my way,” implying that “I’ll get there soon.”
Yuriy: You may hear this a lot when you’re waiting for a friend.
Yinru: (laughs). Yeah, there’s always some friend who is always on his or her way but never shows up on time.
Yuriy: Let’s hear this used in a sentence.
Yinru: 我已经在路上了, 你们饿了就先吃吧. 别等我.(Wǒ yǐjīng zài lùshàngle, nǐmen èle jiù xiān chī ba. Bié děng wǒ.)
Yuriy: “I’m on my way already; if you’re hungry, go ahead and eat. Don’t wait for me.”
Yinru: This is something that Chinese people always say when they feel guilty about being late.
Yuriy: I don’t mind waiting. How about you?
Yinru: Me neither.


Yuriy: All right, that’s all for this lesson. Don’t forget to check the lesson notes to reinforce what you’ve learned in this lesson. And if you have any questions or comments, please leave us a message at ChineseClass101.com.
Yinru: We’re here to help!
Yuriy: In the meantime, thanks for listening, and we’ll see you next time. Bye!
Yinru: We’ll see you in our next lesson. 再见!(Zàijiàn!)

