
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Yinru: Hi everyone, I’m Yinru.
Yuriy: And I’m Yuriy. Welcome back to ChineseClass101.com. This is lower intermediate, season 2 lesson 18 - Getting Your Lunch Delivered in China. In this lesson, we’ll be talking about having food delivered. When you don’t feel like cooking, eating out isn’t the only option. You can call for a delivery!
Yinru: That’s right. In this conversation, Tom is calling McDonald’s to place a an order for lunch and would like it delivered. We’ll learn when to use 二 (Èr)and when to use 两(Liǎng).
Yuriy: The conversation is between Tom and the staff at McDonald’s, so they’ll be using formal Chinese. Let’s listen to the conversation.

Lesson conversation

麦当劳员工:您好,麦当劳。有什么需要吗?(MÀIDĀNGLÁOYUÁNGŌNG :nínhǎo, Màidāngláo. yǒu shénme xūyào ma?)
Tom:你好,我想叫一份外卖。(nǐhǎo, wǒ xiǎng jiào yífèn wàimài.)
麦当劳员工:好的。您需要来点什么?(MÀIDĀNGLÁOYUÁNGŌNG :hǎo de. nín xūyào lái diǎn shénme?)
Tom:我想来两个牛肉汉堡,一个可乐和一个大薯条。(wǒ xiǎng lái liǎng ge niúròu hànbǎo, yíge kělè hé yíge dà shǔtiáo.)
麦当劳员工:您是需要套餐还是单点?套餐更划算。(MÀIDĀNGLÁOYUÁNGŌNG :nín shì xūyào tàocān hái shì dān diǎn? tàocān gèng huásuàn.)
Tom:套餐吧.(tàocān ba.)
麦当劳员工:请问您的地址是?(MÀIDĀNGLÁOYUÁNGŌNG :qǐngwèn nín de dìzhǐ shì?)
Tom:南昌路101号202室。(Nánchāng lù yīlíng yīhào èr líng èr shì.)
麦当劳员工:好的,大概二十分钟后送到。(。(MÀIDĀNGLÁOYUÁNGŌNG :hǎo de,dàgài èr shí fēnzhōng hòu sòng dào.))
Yuriy: Let’s hear the conversation one time slowly.
麦当劳员工:您好,麦当劳。有什么需要吗?(MÀIDĀNGLÁOYUÁNGŌNG :nínhǎo, Màidāngláo. yǒu shénme xūyào ma?)
Tom:你好,我想叫一份外卖。(nǐhǎo, wǒ xiǎng jiào yífèn wàimài.)
麦当劳员工:好的。您需要来点什么?(MÀIDĀNGLÁOYUÁNGŌNG :hǎo de. nín xūyào lái diǎn shénme?)
Tom:我想来两个牛肉汉堡,一个可乐和一个大薯条。(wǒ xiǎng lái liǎng ge niúròu hànbǎo, yíge kělè hé yíge dà shǔtiáo.)
麦当劳员工:您是需要套餐还是单点?套餐更划算。(MÀIDĀNGLÁOYUÁNGŌNG :nín shì xūyào tàocān hái shì dān diǎn? tàocān gèng huásuàn.)
Tom:套餐吧.(tàocān ba.)
麦当劳员工:请问您的地址是?(MÀIDĀNGLÁOYUÁNGŌNG :qǐngwèn nín de dìzhǐ shì?)
Tom:南昌路101号202室。(Nánchāng lù yī líng yī hào èr líng èr shì.)
麦当劳员工:好的,大概二十分钟后送到。(MÀIDĀNGLÁOYUÁNGŌNG :hǎo de, dàgài èr shí fēnzhōng hòu sòng dào.)
Yuriy: Now let’s hear it with the English translation.
麦当劳员工:您好,麦当劳。有什么需要吗?(MÀIDĀNGLÁOYUÁNGŌNG :nínhǎo, Màidāngláo. yǒu shénme xūyào ma?)
Yuriy: Hello, this is McDonald’s. How can I help you?
Tom:你好,我想叫一份外卖。(nǐhǎo, wǒ xiǎng jiào yífèn wàimài.)
Yuriy: Hello. I’d like to place an order for a delivery.
麦当劳员工:好的。您需要来点什么?(MÀIDĀNGLÁOYUÁNGŌNG :hǎo de. nín xūyào lái diǎn shénme?)
Yuriy: Sure. What would you like to order?
Tom:我想来两个牛肉汉堡,一个可乐和一个大薯条。(wǒ xiǎng lái liǎng ge niúròu hànbǎo, yíge kělè hé yíge dà shǔtiáo.)
Yuriy: I’d like two hamburgers, a Coke, and a large french fries.
麦当劳员工:您是需要套餐还是单点?套餐更划算。(MÀIDĀNGLÁOYUÁNGŌNG :nín shì xūyào tàocān hái shì dān diǎn? tàocān gèng huásuàn.)
Yuriy: Would you like a combo or to order them separately? The combo is a better deal.
Tom:套餐吧.(tàocān ba.)
Yuriy: A combo, then.
麦当劳员工:请问您的地址是?(MÀIDĀNGLÁOYUÁNGŌNG :qǐngwèn nín de dìzhǐ shì?)
Yuriy: Can I have your address please?
Tom:南昌路101号202室。(Nánchāng lù yī líng yī hào èr líng èr shì.)
Yuriy: 101 Nanchang Road, apartment 202.
麦当劳员工:好的,大概二十分钟后送到。(MÀIDĀNGLÁOYUÁNGŌNG :hǎo de, dàgài èr shí fēnzhōng hòu sòng dào.)
Yuriy: Okay. It’ll be delivered in about 20 minutes.
Yinru: If you’ve never been to China, you may be surprised by how many Kentucky Fried Chicken restaurants are here.
Yuriy: The strange thing is, there aren’t as many McDonald’s in China. In the US, McDonald’s is the top grossing chain restaurant.
Yinru: Well, according to the statistics from both companies, China has more than two thousand one hundred KFCs, but only eight hundred McDonald’s.
Yuriy: Is there a special reason for that?
Yinru: I’m not sure. But an expat who has lived in China for awhile gave me a few reasons.
Yuriy: What are they?
Yinru: First, KFC caters more to Chinese tastes.
Yuriy: Yes, I’ve noticed that not many Chinese people like hamburgers.
Yinru: Exactly. Chinese aren’t used to eating mayonnaise and raw vegetables between bread.
Yuriy: But fried chicken is very popular as a Chinese dish.
Yinru: Yeah. And KFC has also made an effort to include Chinese-style foods on their menu.
Yuriy: What are some examples?
Yinru: Well, in China their breakfast menu has traditional 粥(Zhōu), or “congee,” which is rice porridge and 油条(Yóutiáo), meaning “fried dough sticks.”
Yuriy: Oh yeah, that reminds me of another Chinese-style food on their menu: the “Old Peking Chicken Roll.”
Yinru: 对,老北京鸡肉卷(Duì, lǎo běijīng jīròu juàn.).
Yuriy: Also KFC gives out free coupons all the time, right?
Yinru: Yes, and because of that, people think KFC is cheaper.
Yuriy: I heard you can go to their website and print out those coupons.
Yinru: That’s right. Also KFC posters and commercials are everywhere, reminding consumers of the large variety and great taste of KFC.
Yuriy: Okay, now onto the vocab.
Yuriy: Let's take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
: The first word we shall see is:
Yinru: 麦当劳 (Màidāngláo)[natural native speed]
Yuriy: McDonald’s
Yinru: 麦当劳 (Màidāngláo)[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Yinru: 麦当劳 (Màidāngláo)[natural native speed]
: Next:
Yinru: 外卖 (Wàimài)[natural native speed]
Yuriy: delivery, take-out
Yinru: 外卖 (Wàimài)[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Yinru: 外卖 (Wàimài)[natural native speed]
: Next:
Yinru: 可乐 (Kělè)[natural native speed]
Yuriy: cola
Yinru: 可乐 (Kělè)[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Yinru: 可乐 (Kělè)[natural native speed]
: Next:
Yinru: 薯条 (Shǔ tiáo)[natural native speed]
Yuriy: french fries
Yinru: 薯条 (Shǔ tiáo)[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Yinru: 薯条 (Shǔ tiáo)[natural native speed]
: Next:
Yinru: 单点 (Dān diǎn)[natural native speed]
Yuriy: to order separately
Yinru: 单点 (Dān diǎn)[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Yinru: 单点 (Dān diǎn)[natural native speed]
: Next:
Yinru: 划算 (Huásuàn)[natural native speed]
Yuriy: cost effective
Yinru: 划算 (Huásuàn)[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Yinru: 划算 (Huásuàn)[natural native speed]
: Next:
Yinru: 地址 (Dìzhǐ)[natural native speed]
Yuriy: address
Yinru: 地址 (Dìzhǐ)[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Yinru: 地址 (Dìzhǐ)[natural native speed]
: Next:
Yinru: 室 (Shì)[natural native speed]
Yuriy: room
Yinru: 室 (Shì)[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Yinru: 室 (Shì)[natural native speed]
: And Last:
Yinru: 送到 (Sòng dào)[natural native speed]
Yuriy: to be delivered
Yinru: 送到 (Sòng dào)[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Yinru: 送到 (Sòng dào)[natural native speed]
Yuriy: Let’s take a closer look at the usage of some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Yinru: Let’s turn to our key vocabulary words. First, we’d like to say a few things about the word 外卖(Wàimài).
Yuriy: It means “delivery,” but it only refers to food delivery. So you don’t want to use it for deliveries related to other goods.
Yinru: To use it in a phrase, you usually say 叫外卖(Jiào wàimài). 叫 (Jiào) means “to call,” so 叫外卖 (Jiào wàimài)means “to call for a food delivery.”
Yuriy: And for the act of delivering food, in Chinese we can say:
Yinru: 送外卖.(Sòng wàimài.)
Yuriy: Now let’s see how to use these terms in a sentence.
Yinru: 我太累了不想做饭, 我们是出去吃还是叫外卖? (Wǒ tài lèi liǎo bùxiǎng zuò fàn, wǒmen shì chūqù chī háishì jiào wàimài?)
Yuriy: “I’m so tired that I don’t want to cook. Are we eating out or calling for delivery?”
Yinru: 他每天都骑电动车送外卖, 很辛苦.(Tā měitiān dū qí diàndòng chē sòng wàimài, hěn xīnkǔ.)
Yuriy: “He rides a moped everyday to deliver food; it’s a really hard living.”
Yinru: Ok, now let’s look at our second vocabulary word: 划算 (Huásuàn).
Yuriy: It’s an adjective, and we can translate this as “cost effective” or “economical.”
Yinru: It can be used as part of formal or informal language.
Yuriy: Here are some sample sentences.
Yinru: 这个时候买特别划算, 因为打五折.(Zhège shíhòu mǎi tèbié huásuàn, yīnwèi dǎ wǔ zhé.)
Yuriy: “Buying at this time is a really good deal because it’s fifty percent off.”
Yinru: 打车去机场没有坐地铁去机场划算.(Dǎchē qù jīchǎng méiyǒu zuò dìtiě qù jīchǎng huásuàn.)
Yuriy: “Taking a taxi to the airport is not as economical as taking the subway.”
Yinru: 她知道在哪里买香水最划算.(Tā zhīdào zài nǎlǐ mǎi xiāngshuǐ zuì huásuàn.)
Yuriy: “She knows where the cheapest place to buy perfume is.” Okay, now onto the grammar.

Lesson focus

Yinru: In this lesson, you’ll learn how to use two words: 二 and 两.(Èr and liǎng.)
Yuriy: They both mean “two,” but we use them differently.
Yinru: Let’s look at 二 (Èr) first.
Yuriy: It’s used in counting, such as...
Yinru: 一, 二,三, 四, 五...(Yī, èr, sān, sì, wǔ...)
Yuriy: It’s also used in compound numerals...
Yinru: Like 二十二, 一百二十五, and 三百二十八.(Èrshí'èr, yībǎi èrshíwǔ, and Sānbǎi èrshíbā ).
Yuriy: However, in numbers with “two hundreds,” like “two hundred twenty-five…”
Yinru: ...we can use either 二 or 两(Èr or liǎng). So “two hundred twenty-five” can be 两百二十五, or 二百二十五.(Liǎng bǎi èrshíwǔ, or Èrbǎi èrshíwǔ).
Yuriy: Lastly, we use this in a series of numbers.
Yinru: Such as a phone number, street number, or postal codes. For all of these we use 二 (Èr) instead of 两(Liǎng).
Yuriy: Now let’s look at some examples.
Yinru: 圣诞节在每年的十二月二十五日.(Shèngdàn jié zài měinián de shí'èr yuè èrshíwǔ rì.)
Yuriy: “Christmas is on December 25th every year.”
Yinru: 他在这里生活已经有二十多年了.(Tā zài zhèlǐ shēnghuó yǐjīng yǒu èrshí duō niánle.)
Yuriy: “He’s been living here for some twenty years.”
Yinru: 我家住在二栋二零一室.(Wǒ jiāzhù zài èr dòng èr líng yī shì.)
Yuriy: “My apartment is in Building 2, Room 201.”
Yinru: In comparison, it is much easier to use 两 (Liǎng).
Yuriy: We only need to remember to use it before measure words.
Yinru: 我来中国两个月了.(Wǒ láizhōngguóliǎng gè yuèle.)
Yuriy: “It’s been two months since I came to China.”
Yinru: 我们公司有两位香港人.(Wǒmen gōngsī yǒu liǎng wèi xiānggǎng rén.)
Yuriy: “There are two people from Hong Kong in our company.”
Yinru: 他订了两个座位.(Tā dìngle liǎng gè zuòwèi.)
Yuriy: “He reserved two seats.”
Yinru: Listeners, do you understand the difference between using 二 (Èr)and 两 (Liǎng) now?
Yuriy: If you have any questions, please be sure to leave us a comment.


Yuriy: And that’s all for this lesson. Thanks for listening, bye!
Yinru: We’ll see you next time.

