
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Eric: Must-Know Chinese Social Media Phrases Season 1. Lesson 1 - Out at Dinner.
Eric: Hi everyone, I'm Eric.
Dehua: And I'm Dehua.
Eric: In this lesson, you'll learn how to post and leave comments in Chinese about having dinner with friends. 学友 (xué yǒu) eats at a restaurant with his friends, posts an image of it, and leaves this comment:
Dehua: 超级美味的全聚德烤鸭! (chāo jí měi wèi de quán jù dé kǎo yā !)
Eric: Meaning - "Super delicious Quanjude Peking Roast Duck!" Listen to a reading of the post and the comments that follow.
(clicking sound)
学友: 超级美味的全聚德烤鸭! (chāo jí měi wèi de quán jù dé kǎo yā !)
(clicking sound)
涛: 好香呀! (hǎo xiāng ya ! )
新新: 我也要去吃! (wǒ yě yào qù chī ! )
丽: 这么肥,小心! (zhè me féi , xiǎo xīn ! )
静: 环境好吗? (huán jìng hǎo mɑ ? )
Eric: Listen again with the English translation.
(clicking sound)
学友: 超级美味的全聚德烤鸭! (chāo jí měi wèi de quán jù dé kǎo yā !)
Eric: "Super delicious Quanjude Peking Roast Duck!"
(clicking sound)
涛: 好香呀! (hǎo xiāng ya ! )
Eric: "Looks delicious!"
新新: 我也要去吃! (wǒ yě yào qù chī ! )
Eric: "I have to go as well!"
丽: 这么肥,小心! (zhè me féi , xiǎo xīn ! )
Eric: "So fattening, be careful!"
静: 环境好吗? (huán jìng hǎo mɑ ? )
Eric: "Is the atmosphere any good?"
Eric: Listen again to 学友 (xué yǒu)'s post.
Dehua: 超级美味的全聚德烤鸭! (chāo jí měi wèi de quán jù dé kǎo yā !)
Eric: "Super delicious Quanjude Peking Roast Duck!"
Dehua: (SLOW) 超级美味的全聚德烤鸭! (chāo jí měi wèi de quán jù dé kǎo yā !) (Regular) 超级美味的全聚德烤鸭! (chāo jí měi wèi de quán jù dé kǎo yā !)
Eric: Let's break this down. First is an expression meaning "Super delicious."
Dehua: 超级美味的 (chāo jí měi wèi de )
Eric: This expression is used to describe food that is very delicious. It’s an exaggeration. The word..
Dehua: "超级"
Eric: means "super”. Exaggerated language is often used on social media platforms in order to express the speaker's emotions. Listen again- "Super delicious" is...
Dehua: (SLOW) 超级美味的 (chāo jí měi wèi de ) (REGULAR) 超级美味的 (chāo jí měi wèi de )
Eric: Then comes the phrase - "Quanjude Peking Roast Duck."
Dehua: 全聚德烤鸭 (quán jù dé kǎo yā )
Eric: Peking Duck is a famous duck dish from Beijing that has been served since the imperial period. This dish is highly prized for its crispy skin. Quanjude Peking Roast Duck is the most authentic Peking duck. The special part of Quanjude Peking Roast Duck is that it is sliced in front of diners. Listen again- "Quanjude Peking Roast Duck" is...
Dehua: (SLOW) 全聚德烤鸭 (quán jù dé kǎo yā ) (REGULAR) 全聚德烤鸭 (quán jù dé kǎo yā )
Eric: All together, "Super delicious Quanjude Peking Roast Duck!"
Dehua: 超级美味的全聚德烤鸭! (chāo jí měi wèi de quán jù dé kǎo yā !)
Eric: In response, 学友 (xué yǒu)'s friends leave some comments.
Eric: His college friend, 涛 (tāo), uses an expression meaning - "Looks delicious!"
Dehua: (SLOW) 好香呀! (hǎo xiāng ya ! ) (REGULAR) 好香呀! (hǎo xiāng ya ! )
Dehua: 好香呀! (hǎo xiāng ya ! )
Eric: Use this expression to show you’re feeling optimistic.
Eric: His girlfriend's high school friend, 新新 (xīn xīn), uses an expression meaning - "I have to go as well!"
Dehua: (SLOW) 我也要去吃! (wǒ yě yào qù chī ! ) (REGULAR) 我也要去吃! (wǒ yě yào qù chī ! )
Dehua: 我也要去吃! (wǒ yě yào qù chī ! )
Eric: Use this expression if you want to try it too.
Eric: His high school friend, 丽 (lì), uses an expression meaning - "So fattening, be careful!"
Dehua: (SLOW) 这么肥,小心! (zhè me féi , xiǎo xīn ! ) (REGULAR) 这么肥,小心! (zhè me féi , xiǎo xīn ! )
Dehua: 这么肥,小心! (zhè me féi , xiǎo xīn ! )
Eric: Use this expression to show you’re feeling cynical.
Eric: His girlfriend, 静 (jìng), uses an expression meaning - "Is the atmosphere any good?"
Dehua: (SLOW) 环境好吗? (huán jìng hǎo mɑ ? ) (REGULAR) 环境好吗? (huán jìng hǎo mɑ ? )
Dehua: 环境好吗? (huán jìng hǎo mɑ ? )
Eric: Use this expression to show you are feeling sensitive.


Eric: Okay, that's all for this lesson. If a friend posted something about having dinner with friends, which phrase would you use? Leave us a comment letting us know. And we'll see you next time!
Dehua: 再见。 (zài jiàn)

