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Learn the three ways to say “I Love You” in Chinese
Get this lesson’s key vocab, their translations and pronunciations. Sign up for your Free Lifetime Account Now and get 7 Days of Premium Access including this feature.
Hi, everybody! |
Do you know how to say 'I love you' in Chinese? In this lesson, you'll learn three different ways to say 'I love you' and a special phrase for Valentine's Day. |
Let’s start with the most common phrase. |
我爱你。 |
[slowly] 我爱你。 |
"I love you." |
This phrase is direct. You should use it only when you're confessing your love. |
If you want to be less direct, you can use this phrase. |
你对我而言如此重要。 |
[slowly] 你对我而言如此重要。 |
It means "You mean so much to me." |
Now if you want to be more romantic in expressing your love for someone, you can say this phrase. |
无法用言语来形容我对你的爱。 |
[slowly] 无法用言语来形容我对你的爱。 |
It means "Words cannot describe my love for you." |
Now you know three different ways to say 'I love you' in Chinese! And here's one more. What if you want to spend Valentine's Day with someone special? In that case, you can say... |
你愿意与我共度情人节吗? |
[slowly] 你愿意与我共度情人节吗? |
It means "Would you like to spend Valentine's day with me?" |
Let's wrap up this lesson by recapping what we've learned. Listen to the expression and repeat after me. |
"I love you." |
我爱你。 |
* beep |
我爱你。 |
"You mean so much to me." |
你对我而言如此重要。 |
* beep |
你对我而言如此重要。 |
"Words cannot describe my love for you." |
无法用言语来形容我对你的爱。 |
* beep |
无法用言语来形容我对你的爱。 |
"Would you like to spend Valentine's day with me?" |
你愿意与我共度情人节吗? |
* beep |
你愿意与我共度情人节吗? |
Well done! [pause] Here's a fun fact! Do you know there is a Single’s Day in China? |
In response to Valentine’s Day, an interesting holiday called “Single’s Day” or 光棍节(guāng gùn jié) has developed in China. On November 11th, people who are not in a relationship come together to celebrate their single status. Hanging out, eating, drinking, and watching movies are the most common events of the day. |
You just learned three different ways to say 'I love you' in Chinese and one special phrase for Valentine's Day. Also, don’t forget to download your free cheat sheet on How to be a Good Lover in China, including words for romance, compliments, and pick up lines! Check out the description below and go to ChineseClass101.com now. |
I’ll see you next time. Zàijiàn! |