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HideHow tall are you? Try to answer in Chinese!
你好 robert groulx!
不用谢。(Bú yòng xiè.) = No need for thanks. You're welcome. 😇
谢谢 (Xièxie) for studying with us, it's great to have you here!
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雷文特 (Levente)
Team ChineseClass101.com
thank you for the lesson transcript
favorite phrase is 你多高?
Tall 好高
Tao 好高
Hello, diverkim,
Sorry, we should have given the expansion for the grammer.
In Chinese, we both use 你多高? for asking "how many cm?" and "how tall are you?"
And the answer for the question can be 'I am ... cm.'
In Chinese, we usually as "你多高?"(How tall are you?)or "你1米几?"(how many cm over 1 meter are you?)
Team ChineseClass101.com
Sorry, but that is quite the stretch Cho, and it is unkind to learners. In 你多高?the question is asking "how many" cm, and we know that from the answer that will be provided. It is not asking "how" cm?
hi, diverkim,
多 = 多少(duō shǎo),means "how many, how much"
How tall are you?
= 你多高?=你有多高?(nǐ yǒu duō gāo ?)
If we translate it literally, how equals to 多 here.
Team ChineseClass101.com
Why does review test say that 多 means "how"? Does it mean "how" in addition to "many"? The dictionary I check doesn't give the meaning of "how"