
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

DAVID: Welcome to ChineseClass101.com. I'm David.
Amber: 大家好,我是安伯。(Dàjiā hǎo, wǒ shì ān bó.)
DAVID: And we’re here today with Upper Beginner, Season 1, Lesson 3 – Last minute travel panic in China.
Amber: 旅行前的最后恐慌。(Lǚxíng qián de zuìhòu kǒnghuāng.)
DAVID: Right. So you’re just heading out the door and you remember, “Have you brought everything?” So our dialogue today takes place at home.
Amber: 没错, 而且是家门口好像。(Méi cuò, érqiě shì jiā ménkǒu hǎoxiàng.)
DAVID: Yeah, at the door of the house. It’s between a couple and they’re speaking casual Mandarin, as always.
Amber: 对,我们听对话吧!(Duì, wǒmen tīng duìhuà ba!)
A: 哎,护照带了吗?(Ai, hùzhào dài le ma?)
B: 在背包里。(Zài bēibāo lǐ.)
A: 飞机票呢?(Fēijīpiào ne?)
B: 飞机票在我这儿。(Fēijīpiào zài wǒ zhèr.)
A: 钱呢?(Qián ne?)
B: 你没有吗?(Nǐ méiyǒu ma?)
A: 哦,在我兜里。(O, zài wǒ dōu lǐ.)
A: Hey, have you brought passports?
B: In the knapsack.
A: What about the flight tickets?
B: The flight tickets are here with me.
A: And the money?
B: Don't you have it?
A: Oh, it's in my pocket.
DAVID: Okay, so our lesson here takes place at the door.
Amber: 对。(Duì.)
DAVID: They’re leaving. And they make sure if they have anything?
Amber: 没错, 出门之前检查是不是带了所有的东西。(Méi cuò, chūmén zhīqián jiǎnchá shì bùshì dàile suǒyǒu de dōngxī.)
DAVID: Yeah. “Do you have the passport? Do you have the money? Do you have the tickets?” So it’s…
Amber: 对,对,特别恐慌。(Duì, duì, tèbié kǒnghuāng.)
DAVID: So the vocab is vocab you’re going to need to know when you’re traveling.
Amber: 没错。(Méi cuò.)
DAVID: Let’s get to it.
Amber: Okay.
Amber: 护照。(hùzhào.)
DAVID: Passport.
Amber: 护 照, 护照, 签证。(hùzhào, hùzhào, qiānzhèng.)
DAVID: Visa.
Amber: 签 证, 签证, 背包。(qiānzhèng, qiānzhèng, bēibāo.)
DAVID: Nap sack.
Amber: 背 包, 背包, 旅行箱。(bēibāo, bēibāo, lǚxíngxiāng.)
DAVID: Suitcase.
Amber: 旅 行 箱, 旅行箱, 旅行。(lǚxíngxiāng, lǚxíngxiāng, lǚxíng.)
DAVID: Trip.
Amber: 旅 行, 旅行, 兜。(lǚxíng, lǚxíng, dōu.)
DAVID: Pocket.
Amber: 兜, 兜, 飞机票。(dōu, dōu, fēijīpiào.)
DAVID: Flight ticket.
Amber: 飞 机 票, 飞机票, 钱。(fēijīpiào, fēijīpiào, qián.)
DAVID: Money.
Amber: 钱, 钱, 信用卡。(qián, qián, xìnyòngkǎ.)
DAVID: Credit card.
Amber: 信 用 卡, 信用卡。(xìnyòngkǎ, xìnyòngkǎ.)
DAVID: Let’s take a closer look at some of these words. Now, our general theme involves a trip.
Amber: 旅行。(lǚxíng.)
DAVID: Trip.
Amber: 旅行。(lǚxíng.)
DAVID: Normally a trip to another country.
Amber: 对,出国旅行。(Duì, chūguó lǚxíng.)
DAVID: Right, and that’s the word for suitcase too.
Amber: 旅行箱。(Lǚxíng xiāng.)
DAVID: Which is literally a trip, 箱(Xiāng), or a trip back.
Amber: 对, 旅行 and 箱。(Duì, Lǚxíng and Xiāng.)
DAVID: Yeah, so we could say “Don’t forget to bring the suitcase”.
Amber: 别忘了带旅行箱。(Bié wàngle dài lǚxíng xiāng.)
DAVID: Another thing you can’t forget, obviously, is your passport.
Amber: 对, 护照,护照很重要,是一个国际的身份证的感觉。(Duì, hùzhào, hùzhào hěn zhòngyào, shì yīgè guójì de shēnfèn zhèng de gǎnjué.)
DAVID: Yes, it is the international version of the Chinese, 身份证(Shēnfèn zhèng), which is the ID. Let’s hear that again, “passport”.
Amber: 护照。(Hùzhào.)
DAVID: Both of those are fourth tone, falling tones.
Amber: 对。(Duì.)
DAVID: Right? “Don’t forget to bring your passport.”
Amber: 别忘了带你的护照。(Bié wàngle dài nǐ de hùzhào.)
DAVID: And the reason you need your passport in China is it has your Visa in it.
Amber: 对, 签证。(Duì, qiānzhèng.)
DAVID: Visa.
Amber: 签证。(Qiānzhèng)
DAVID: To come to China you need both a passport and a Visa.
Amber: 来中国你又需要护照,又需要签证。(Lái zhōngguó nǐ yòu xūyào hùzhào, yòu xūyào qiānzhèng.)
DAVID: To come to China, you need a passport and a Visa.
Amber: 来中国你需要护照, 还需要签证。(Lái zhōngguó nǐ xūyào hùzhào, hái xūyào qiānzhèng.)
DAVID: In most cases, you’re also going to need a plane ticket.
Amber: 对, 飞机票也是很重要的。(Duì, fēijī piào yěshì hěn zhòngyào de.)
DAVID: Right. And that’s literally what it is, it’s “airplane”.
Amber: 飞机。(Fēijī.)
DAVID: Ticket.
Amber: 票。(Piào.)
DAVID: Airplane ticket.
Amber: 飞机票。(Fēijī piào.)
DAVID: And, of course, we’ve also heard in earlier lessons “train ticket”.
Amber: 火车票,所以就是前面是交通工具,后面是票。(Huǒchē piào, suǒyǐ jiùshì qiánmiàn shì jiāotōng gōngjù, hòumiàn shì piào.)
DAVID: Yes, it’s always got the 票 (Piào) at the end of it.
Amber: 對,沒错。(Duì, méi cuò.)
DAVID: And, of course, two things you should always have as well - the first is money.
Amber: 钱,我觉得这个是最重要的。(Qián, wǒ juédé zhège shì zuì zhòngyào de.)
DAVID: Well, it depends. The second is pretty important too, it’s a credit card.
Amber: 信用卡, 但是中国人喜欢带钱。(Xìnyòngkǎ, dànshì zhōngguó rén xǐhuān dài qián.)
DAVID: Yes, the faith is in money in this part of the world. So you could also say “Don’t forget to bring the cash”.
Amber: 别忘带现金。(Bié wàng dài xiànjīn.)
DAVID: Don’t forget to bring the credit card.
Amber: 别忘带信用卡。(Bié wàng dài xìnyòngkǎ.)
DAVID: And before we go, let’s just highlight the word you used to say “bring” in all of these sentences.
Amber: 带。(Dài.)
DAVID: It means “to carry”.
Amber: 对, 拿着。(Duì, názhe.)
DAVID: Yes, and you can carry a thing or you can bring a person too.
Amber: 带一个人也可以。(Dài yīgè rén yě kěyǐ.)
DAVID: Yes. So a lot of useful vocab for traveling, bringing things - don’t forget your passport. With that, let’s go to our grammar section.
Amber: 好。(Hǎo.)

Lesson focus

DAVID: It’s grammar time. Our grammar point today is all about the wonderful character…
Amber: 在。(Zài.)
DAVID: Right. This is sometimes a verb and it’s sometimes a preposition, so it confuses a lot of people.
Amber: 对。(Duì.)
DAVID: However, the usage is really similar. And, in fact, in Chinese prepositions are verbs of a certain kind. So you don’t need to get too confused. What we want to look at is this line from our dialogue.
Amber: 在背包里。(Zài bèibāo lǐ.)
DAVID: In the bag.
Amber: 在背包里。(Zài bèibāo lǐ.)
DAVID: Pay attention to the way we’ve separated these two characters and we’ve stuffed the object in the middle.
Amber: 对,没错, 我们把 在 和 里分开,然后把我们的背包放在中间。(Duì, méi cuò, wǒmen bǎ zài hé lǐ fēnkāi, ránhòu bǎ wǒmen de bèibāo fàng zài zhōngjiān.)
DAVID: Right, so it is “at nap sack in”, that’s what we’re saying.
Amber: 对, 在什么什么里。(Duì, zài shénme shénme lǐ.)
DAVID: Right. Now 在什么什么里 (Zài shénme shénme lǐ) is one of the first things most people learn, but we can learn into a lot of these localizers, these directional complements -
Amber: 对, 对, 对。(Duì, duì, duì.)
DAVID: - that we can use with 在.(Zài.)
Amber: 没错。(Méi cuò.)
DAVID: For instance, you could say something is on something.
Amber: Oh, 在什么什么上。(Zài shénme shénme shàng.)
DAVID: Yes, for instance “on the table”.
Amber: 在桌子上。(Zài zhuōzi shàng.)
DAVID: The passport is on the table.
Amber: 护照在桌子上, 护照在桌子上, 钱在我兜里。(Hùzhào zài zhuōzi shàng, hùzhào zài zhuōzi shàng, qián zài wǒ dōu lǐ.)
DAVID: How about “The airplane ticket is in the bag”?
Amber: 飞机票在背包里。(Fēijī piào zài bèibāo lǐ.)
DAVID: Something that’s fun is that often you want to say “over with me” or “over with you”.
Amber: 在我这,在你那。(Zài wǒ zhè, zài nǐ nà.)
DAVID: Right, that’s…
Amber: 其实挺难解释。(Qíshí tǐng nán jiěshì.)
DAVID: At me, at me here, at you there.
Amber: 对,对。(Duì, duì.)
DAVID: This is really, really native.
Amber: 没错,我觉得是非常非常的比较有特点的中文。(Méi cuò, wǒ juédé shì fēicháng fēicháng de bǐjiào yǒu tèdiǎn de zhōngwén.)
DAVID: Yeah, so if you start using this, you are going to come across as someone who’s been in China for a while. Let’s practice these. You can say “I’ve got the passports”.
Amber: 护照在我这。(Hùzhào zài wǒ zhè.)
DAVID: You’ve got the money,
Amber: 钱在你那。(Qián zài nǐ nà.)
DAVID: How about “The tickets are by the passports”?
Amber: 飞机票在護照那 , 这个有点 (Fēijī piào zài hùzhào nà, zhège yǒudiǎn) tricky.
DAVID: Yeah, it’s a bit tricky because you’re saying “the airplane tickets”.
Amber: 飞机票。(Fēijī piào.)
DAVID: Are by the passports.
Amber: 在護照那。(Zài hùzhào nà.)
DAVID: At passports there.
Amber: 在護照那。(Zài hùzhào nà.)
DAVID: Right. How about “The luggage is with me?”
Amber: 旅行箱在我这。(Lǚxíng xiāng zài wǒ zhè.)
DAVID: Great. So this is a really colloquial way of speaking and it’s really native because it’s actually pretty long to say the same thing in English.
Amber: 没错。(Méi cuò.)
DAVID: But in Chinese we’re just stuffing it into this short little wonderful bit of language.
Amber: 对,你很难找到一个跟它完全一样的英文单词。(Duì, nǐ hěn nán zhǎodào yīgè gēn tā wánquán yīyàng de yīngwén dāncí.)
DAVID: Yeah. The structure is different but once you get used to it, it’s a really wonderful way to speak. So…
Amber: Uhmm, 很好用。(Hěn hǎo yòng.)
DAVID: Don’t forget this.
Amber: 对。(Duì.)
DAVID: In the bag.
Amber: 在背包里。(Zài bèibāo lǐ.)
DAVID: On the table.
Amber: 在桌子上。(Zài zhuōzi shàng.)
DAVID: Over by me.
Amber: 在我这。(Zài wǒ zhè.)


DAVID: Okay. For now, though, that’s all the time we have. From Beijing, I'm David.
Amber: 我是安伯。(Wǒ shì ān bó.)
DAVID: Thanks for listening and we’ll see you on the site.
Amber: 下次見吧!(Xià cì jiàn ba!)

