
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

David: Welcome to ChineseClass101.com. I am David.
Echo: Hi, 大家好,我是Echo. (Dàjiā hǎo, wǒ shì Echo.)
David: And we are here with upper intermediate, season 1, Lesson 2
Echo: Resorting to Desperate Measures at the Chinese Car Yard.
David: Right and that’s all the English you’re gonna hear from Echo today.
Echo: 差不多。 (Chàbùduō.)
David: Right because this is upper intermediate, so it’s getting--
Echo: 对。(Duì)
David: It’s getting up there.
Echo: Mmm.
David: We have a lesson that is largely based on real life.
Echo: 没错,有一点儿夸张,不过很有意思。 (Méi cuò, yǒu yīdiǎn er kuāzhāng, bùguò hěn yǒuyìsi.)
David: Right. It’s about the lottery system here in Beijing for buying cars.
Echo: 没错。(Méi cuò.)
David: So, we’ve got a dialogue between two friends; one of whom is a proud new owner of an automobile.
Echo: 他刚买了一辆新车,所以他正在跟他的朋友讲他买车的经历。 (Tā gāng mǎile yī liàng xīnchē, suǒyǐ tā zhèngzài gēn tā de péngyǒu jiǎng tā mǎi chē de jīnglì.)
David: Yes and, as always, this conversation is casual Mandarin.
Echo: Mm-hmm.
David: Let's get to the dialogue.
Echo: 好。(Hǎo.)
A: 我昨天买了一辆车。
B: 哟,恭喜。听说从下月起就要摇号购车了。
A: 可不是嘛。你没看见这两天车行里的人呢,乌泱乌泱的。
B: 都跟你一样,生怕以后买不上了呗。
A: 你不知道,当时还有两个人和我抢。我一狠心,二话不说,掏出钥匙就在车身上划了一下。
B: 你这是跟谁过不去呀?
A: 我问,这车还有人要吗?结果他们都不出声儿了。
B: 算你狠!
David: Once more, a bit slower.
A: 我昨天买了一辆车。 (Wǒ zuótiān mǎi le yī liàng chē.)
B: 哟,恭喜。听说从下月起就要摇号购车了。 (Yo, gōngxǐ. tīngshuō cóng xiàyuè qǐ jiù yào yáo hào gòu chē le.)
A: 可不是嘛。你没看见这两天车行里的人呢,乌泱乌泱的。 (Kěbushì ma. Nǐ méi kànjiàn zhè liǎng tiān chēháng lǐ de rén ne, wū yāng wū yāng de.)
B: 都跟你一样,生怕以后买不上了呗。(Dōu gēn nǐ yīyàng, shēngpà yǐhòu mǎi bù shàng le bei.)
A: 你不知道,当时还有两个人和我抢。我一狠心,二话不说,掏出钥匙就在车身上划了一下。(Nǐ bù zhīdào, dāngshí hái yǒu liǎng ge rén hé wǒ qiǎng. Wǒ yī hěnxīn, èrhuàbùshuō, tāochūyàoshi jiù zài chē shēn shàng huá le yīxià.)
B: 你这是跟谁过不去呀? (Nǐ zhè shì gēn shéi guòbuqù yā?)
A: 我问,这车还有人要吗?结果他们都不出声儿了。 (Wǒ wèn, zhè chē hái yǒu rén yào ma? Jiéguǒ tāmen dōu bù chūshēng ér le.)
B: 算你狠!(Suàn nǐ hěn!)
David: Now let’s hear it with the English translation.
A: 我昨天买了一辆车。 (Wǒ zuótiān mǎi le yī liàng chē.)
David: I bought a car yesterday.
B: 哟,恭喜。听说从下月起就要摇号购车了。 (Yo, gōngxǐ. tīngshuō cóng xiàyuè qǐ jiù yào yáo hào gòu chē le.)
David: Congratulations! I hear that starting next month a lottery system will limit the number of cars sold.
A: 可不是嘛。你没看见这两天车行里的人呢,乌泱乌泱的。 (Kěbushì ma. Nǐ méi kànjiàn zhè liǎng tiān chēháng lǐ de rén ne, wū yāng wū yāng de.)
David: That's right. Haven't you seen all those people at the dealerships lately? What a crowd!
B: 都跟你一样,生怕以后买不上了呗。(Dōu gēn nǐ yīyàng, shēngpà yǐhòu mǎi bù shàng le bei.)
David: They're just like you—worried they won't be able to buy one later.
A: 你不知道,当时还有两个人和我抢。我一狠心,二话不说,掏出钥匙就在车身上划了一下。 (Nǐ bù zhīdào, dāngshí hái yǒu liǎng ge rén hé wǒ qiǎng. Wǒ yī hěnxīn, èrhuàbùshuō, tāochūyàoshi jiù zài chē shēn shàng huá le yīxià.)
David: There were two other people who were competing for my car. So I thought for a moment then took out my keys and scratched the body of the car.
B: 你这是跟谁过不去呀? (Nǐ zhè shì gēn shéi guòbuqù yā?)
David: What did you do that for?
A: 我问,这车还有人要吗?结果他们都不出声儿了。 (Wǒ wèn, zhè chē hái yǒu rén yào ma? Jiéguǒ tāmen dōu bù chūshēng ér le.)
David: I asked, anyone else still want this car? They all went quiet.
B: 算你狠! (Suàn nǐ hěn!)
David: You're tough!
David: I don’t think that’s legal.
Echo: 如果你要买这个车的话,我觉得还可以吧。 (Rúguǒ nǐ yāomǎi zhège chē dehuà, wǒ juédé hái kěyǐ ba.)
David: And, and the limit is not on the number of cars available, it’s on the license plate.
Echo: 对。(Duì.)
David: Anyway, thi is a new system in Beijing.
Echo: Mm-hmm. 就是摇号购车。 (Jiùshì yáohào gòuchē.)
David: Yes. You have to, you have to apply for the lottery system for license plates.
Echo: 对,没错。 (Duì, méi cuò.)
David: Interestingly, the first month after the system was in place...
Echo: Mm-hmm.
David: There were nearly 200,000 applications for only 20,000 licenses.
Echo: 天呀,二十万的申请人。哎哟! (Tiān ya, èrshí wàn de shēnqǐng rén. Āiyō!)
David: It wasn’t that bad though, because if you wanted a car, you’d get all of your friends and your family to apply too, so you had a better chance of getting it.
Echo: 所以可能一个人要买车,十个人去摇号。 (Suǒyǐ kěnéng yīgèrén yāo mǎi chē, shí gè rén qù yáohào.)
David: Yeah, anyway, our, our vocab today is all about the lottery system.
Echo: 没错。 (Méi cuò.)
David: So, let’s get to that.
David: Let's take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
Echo: 摇号 (yáo hào) [natural native speed]
David: lottery system
Echo: 摇号 (yáo hào) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Echo: 摇号 (yáo hào) [natural native speed]: Next:
Echo: 车险 (chē xiǎn) [natural native speed]
David: car insurance
Echo: 车险 (chē xiǎn) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Echo: 车险 (chē xiǎn) [natural native speed]: Next:
Echo: 一狠心 (yī hěn xīn) [natural native speed]
David: to be determined
Echo: 一狠心 (yī hěn xīn) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Echo: 一狠心 (yī hěn xīn) [natural native speed]: Next:
Echo: 划 (huá) [natural native speed]
David: to scratch
Echo: 划 (huá) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Echo: 划 (huá) [natural native speed]: Next:
Echo: 出声 (chūshēng) [natural native speed]
David: to make noise
Echo: 出声 (chūshēng) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Echo: 出声 (chūshēng) [natural native speed]: Next:
Echo: 乌泱乌泱 (wū yāng wūyāng) [natural native speed]
David: crowded
Echo: 乌泱乌泱 (wū yāng wūyāng) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Echo: 乌泱乌泱 (wū yāng wūyāng) [natural native speed]: Next:
Echo: 生怕 (shēngpà) [natural native speed]
David: to be worried (about something)
Echo: 生怕 (shēngpà) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Echo: 生怕 (shēngpà) [natural native speed]: Next:
Echo: 二话不说 (èrhuàbùshuō) [natural native speed]
David: without a word
Echo: 二话不说 (èrhuàbùshuō) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Echo: 二话不说 (èrhuàbùshuō) [natural native speed]: Next:
Echo: 过不去 (guòbuqù) [natural native speed]
David: to be unable to get along
Echo: 过不去 (guòbuqù) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Echo: 过不去 (guòbuqù) [natural native speed]
David: Let's take a closer look at some of these words and phrases.
Echo: 我们今天要看的第一个词是 (Wǒmen jīntiān yào kàn de dì yī gè cí shì)... 摇号 (yáo hào)。
David: Lottery system
Echo: 摇号 (yáo hào)。其实你可以更具体的说 (Qíshí nǐ kěyǐ gèng jùtǐ de shuō)... 摇号购车。(Yáohào gòuchē.)
David: Yeah, and it literally means to shake the number.
Echo: Yes. 摇号 (yáo hào)
David: Right.
Echo: 摇号购车 (Yáohào gòuchē)
David: Our next word is “car insurance”.
Echo: 车险 (Chēxiǎn)
David: Auto insurance.
Echo: 车险 (Chēxiǎn)
David: Which is a contraction.
Echo: 对,其实应该是 (Duì, qíshí yīnggāi shì)... 汽车保险。 (Qìchē bǎoxiǎn.)
David: Yes.
Echo: 汽车保险。 (Qìchē bǎoxiǎn.)
David: Right, and the verb to go with this is…
Echo: 上(Shàng)。上保险,上车险 (Shàng bǎoxiǎn, shàng chēxiǎn)。
David: Right, so when buying a new car, you'd need to buy insurance too.
Echo: 对。购买新车的时候必须同时购买车险。 (Duì. Gòumǎi xīnchē de shíhòu bìxū tóngshí gòumǎi chēxiǎn.)
David: When buying a new car, you'd have to buy insurance too.
Echo: 购买新车的时候必须同时购买车险。(Gòumǎi xīnchē de shíhòu bìxū tóngshí gòumǎi chēxiǎn.)
David: Or you can do what we do and just take cabs everywhere.
Echo: 对,但是现在在北京找出租车越来越难了。 (Duì, dànshì xiànzài zài běijīng zhǎo chūzū chē yuè lái yuè nánle.)
David: True.
David: If you want to get a cab, you are going to need to be determined.
Echo: 要一狠心,就把别人的车抢了。(Yào yī hěnxīn, jiù bǎ biérén de chē qiǎngle.)
David: Yes, and it’s not just determined, it’s also, you know, certain ruthlessness.
Echo: 对,有一点。 (Duì, yǒu yīdiǎn.)
Echo: 一狠心 (Yī hěnxīn)
David: And that literally means “one violent heart.”
Echo: 一狠心 (Yī hěnxīn)
David: Right. So when you see the opportunity, you gotta leap at it.
Echo: 没错,特别在坐出租车的时候,抢出租车的时候。 (Méi cuò, tèbié zài zuò chūzū chē de shíhòu, qiǎng chūzū chē de shíhòu.)
David: Yes and with that, let’s go to our grammar section.

Lesson focus

David: Echo, what are we talking about today?
Echo: 今天我们讲的这个,在中文里是有一点难度的 (Jīntiān wǒmen jiǎng de zhège, zài zhōngwén lǐ shì yǒu yīdiǎn nándù de) - 象声词 (Xiàngshēngcí)。
David: The word itself sounds difficult. What’s that?
Echo: 象声词 (Xiàngshēngcí)
David: So it’s like a sound word.
Echo: 对,好像的象,声音的声,词汇的词。 (Duì, hǎoxiàng de xiàng, shēngyīn de shēng, cíhuì de cí.)
David: Well, the English word there is onomatopoeia.
Echo: 对。 (Duì.)
David: So, I think, I think English is more difficult.
Echo: 对。我觉得在英文里也有象声词,对不对。 (Duì. Wǒ juédé zài yīngwén lǐ yěyǒu xiàngshēngcí, duì bùduì.)
David: Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Echo: 不同语言的象声词不一样。(Bùtóng yǔyán de xiàngshēngcí bù yīyàng.)
David: And Chinese ones are a bit more fun when they make four characters like the one we heard in our dialogue.
Echo: 没错。乌泱乌泱。(Méi cuò. Wū yāng wū yāng.)
David: Which means “crowded.”
Echo: 对,就人很多。(Duì, jiù rén hěnduō.) 乌泱乌泱。(Wū yāng wū yāng.)
David: Like a big crowd.
Echo: Mmm.
David: So it’s like the sound of, sound of people bustling about.
Echo: 差不多。还有那个气。(Chàbùduō. Hái yǒu nàgè qì.)
David: It’s the sound of Chinese people bustling back and forth. I don’t think I’ve heard this back home.
Echo: 我们举个例子,国庆节的时候广场上的人乌泱乌泱的。 (Guóqìng jié de shíhòu guǎngchǎng shàng de rén wū yāng wū yāng de.)
David: Right. On the national holidays, the people in the square are 乌泱乌泱的 (wū yāng wū yāng de).
David: There’s another one which is the sound of thunder.
Echo: 雷声是轰隆轰隆的。 (Léi shēng shì hōnglóng hōnglóng de.)
David: Mmm.
Echo: 轰隆轰隆的。 (Hōnglóng hōnglóng de.)
Echo: 轰隆轰隆,打雷了。 (Hōnglóng hōnglóng, dǎléile.)
David: I don’t think it sounds like thunder. It’s 轰隆 (Hōnglóng)?
Echo: 对,我们中文来说是的,中国人就很像,轰隆轰隆。 (Duì, wǒmen zhōngwén lái shuō shì de, zhōngguó rén jiù hěn xiàng, hōnglóng hōnglóng.)
David: Okay, it’s the crushing sounds of thunder. We’ve also got another one for the sound of fireworks.
Echo: 对,鞭炮的声音是噼里啪啦的。 (Duì, biānpào de shēngyīn shì pīlipālā de.)
David: Yes.
Echo: 噼里啪啦 (pīlipālā)
Echo: 好像什么都在爆炸一样,噼里啪啦。但又不是那种炸弹的爆炸,就是鞭炮的爆炸。 (Hǎoxiàng shénme dōu zài bàozhà yīyàng, pīlipālā. Dàn yòu bùshì nà zhǒng zhàdàn de bàozhà, jiùshì biānpào de bàozhà.)
David: Okay. So, we have three advanced onomatopoeia to date. First…
Echo: 乌泱乌泱。(Wū yāng wū yāng.)
David: Then…
Echo: 轰隆轰隆。 (Hōnglóng hōnglóng.)
David: And…
Echo: 噼里啪啦 (pīlipālā)
David: And if you throw this in the conversation, it’s gonna sound really good.
Echo: 肯定的。(Kěndìng de.)
David: Yes, Echo is gonna be like, “That’s my student.”
Echo: 没错。(Méi cuò.) 而且是我的好学生。(Érqiě shì wǒ de hào xuéshēng.)
David: Yes and when they ask where you learned Chinese, you tell them ChineseClass101.com.
Echo: 没错。(Méi cuò.)
David: We’re almost done, but we’re gonna give you one more and that is the sound of things crashing into water.
Echo: 对,这个只有两个字,容易点儿 (Duì, zhège zhǐyǒu liǎng gè zì, róngyì diǎn er) - 扑通 (Pūtōng)
David: The sound of something crashing into the water.
Echo: 扑通 (Pūtōng)
David: I think it makes sense. It does sound like you’ve dropped something in the water.
Echo: 对呀,扑通 (Duì ya, pūtōng)。
Echo: 比如说,他扑通一下跳进水里去了。(Bǐrú shuō, Tā pūtōng yīxià tiào jìn shuǐ lǐ qùle.)
David: He 扑通 (Pūtōng) a bit and jumped into the water. There’s another one, though, too.
Echo: 也是这个扑通,你可以把它用在你的心跳上。(Yěshì zhège pūtōng, nǐ kěyǐ bǎ tā yòng zài nǐ de xīntiào shàng.)
Echo: 比如说,他的心在扑通扑通地跳。(Bǐrú shuō, tā de xīn zài pūtōng pūtōng de tiào.)
David: Yes. It means someone’s heart is beating loudly.
Echo: 对,扑通扑通地跳。(Duì, pūtōng pūtōng de tiào)
David: So, for onomatopoeia, and, Echo, the word for onomatopoeia again?
Echo: 象声词 (Xiàngshēngcí)
David: So, armed with these, you can now go out into the world and cause chaos, or at least, adequately describe the strange sounds of China.
Echo: 对,如果你们有什么问题,或者有什么象声词你们想知道,想了解的,都可以给我们在网上上留言。(Duì, rúguǒ nǐmen yǒu shé me wèntí, huòzhě yǒu shé me xiàngshēngcí nǐmen xiǎng zhīdào, xiǎng liǎojiě de, dōu kěyǐ gěi wǒmen zài wǎngshàng shàng liúyán.)
David: Yes. Our email address is also contactus@ChineseClass101.com.
Echo: 没错。(Méi cuò.)
David: And if you have any questions about the content, we really do encourage you to check out the PDFs because we prepared them for you to answer your questions.


David: That’s it. We are done for today. So, come check us out and we look forward to hearing from you.
Echo: 我们下次见吧。(Wǒmen xià cì jiàn ba.) Bye-bye!

