
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

David: Welcome to chineseclass101.com. I am David.
Echo: Hi, 大家好, 我是Echo. (Dàjiā hǎo, wǒ shì Echo.)
David: And we are here today with upper intermediate, season 1, Lesson 8.
Echo: Is the Honeymoon Over in China?
David: Right. This is about marriage. We are going to hear from someone who is disappointed about their marriage.
Echo: 对,就给大家一个 教训, 告诉大家不要结婚。 (Duì, jiù gěi dàjiā yì gè jiàoxùn, gàosù dàjiā bùyào jiéhūn.)
David: Yeah although we are also going to hear about someone who is excited about marriage. It’s new, it’s fresh. So we’ve got both attitudes in our dialogue today. Let’s take a listen. So this is the chineseclass101 depressing dialogue series. Dialogues created by people who are unhappy with their lives.
Echo: 噢!别说这一个。 (Ō! Bié shuō zhè yīgè.)
A: 今年春节过得怎么样? (A: Jīnnián Chūnjié guòde zěnmeyàng?)
B: 别提了。除了吃,就是睡。偶尔再上上网,无聊透顶。 (B: Bié tí le. Chúle chī, jiùshì shuì, ǒuěr zài shàngshangwǎng, wúliáo
tòu dǐng.)
A: 就没出去逛逛? (A: Jiù méi chūqù guàngguang?)
B: 我老公就顾着打麻将,哪有工夫陪我? (B: Wǒ lǎogōng jiù gùzhe dǎ májiàng, nǎyǒu gōngfu péi wǒ?)
A: 我男朋友带我去欧洲旅行了,可有意思了。 (A: Wǒ nánpéngyou dài wǒ qù ōuzhōu lǚxíng le, kě yǒu yìsi le.)
B: 是吗? (B: Shì ma?)
A: 我们每天喝喝咖啡,吹吹海风,下下馆子。我觉得幸福死了。 (A: Wǒmen měitiān hēhē kāfēi, chuīchuī hǎifēng, xiàxià guǎnzǐ. Wǒ
juéde xìngfú sǐ le.)
B: 等着吧。我老公结婚之前也挺浪漫。结完婚就爱答不理了。 (B: Děngzhe ba. Wǒ lǎogōng jiéhūn zhīqián yě tǐng làngmàn. Jié wán
hūn jiù àidábùlǐ le.)
A: How was Spring Festival this year?
B: Not worth mentioning. If I wasn't eating, I was sleeping. And sometimes I'd go online. It was so boring.
A: Didn't you get out to do anything?
B: My husband only wanted to play Mahjong. Where has he got time for me?
A: My boyfriend took me to Europe. It was so much fun.
B: Yeah?
A: Everyday we would drink coffee, enjoy the sea breeze, and go to restaurants. I felt so happy.
B: Wait and see. Before I got married, my husband was pretty romantic too. Then after marriage he lost interest in me.
David: Anyway, we do have a lot of advanced vocab here.
Echo: 没错。(Méi cuò.)
David: So why don’t we get right to that?
Echo: 好的。无聊透顶。 (Hǎo de. Wúliáo tòudǐng.)
David: Extremely boring.
Echo: 无 聊 透 顶, 无聊透顶, 逛逛。 (Wú liáo tòu dǐng, Wúliáo tòudǐng, guàngguang.)
David: To wander around.
Echo: 逛 逛, 逛逛, 净顾着。 (guàng guang, guàngguang, jìng gù zhe.)
David: To be solely engaged in something.
Echo: 净 顾 着, 净顾着, 工夫。 (jìng gù zhe, jìng gù zhe, Gōngfū.)
David: Time.
Echo: 工 夫, 工夫, 不幸。 (Gōng fū, Gōngfū, bùxìng.)
David: Unlucky.
Echo: 不 幸, 不幸, 爱答不理。(bù xìng, bùxìng, ài dá bù lǐ.)
David: To have no interest in someone.
Echo: 爱 答 不 理, 爱答不理, 下馆子。 (ài dá bù lǐ, ài dá bù lǐ, Xià guǎnzi.)
David: To go to the restaurant.
Echo: 下 馆 子, 下馆子。 (Xià guǎn zi, Xià guǎnzi.)
David: Let’s take a closer look at some of these words and phrases. The first one is of course the word
Echo: 无聊透顶。 (Wúliáo tòudǐng.)
David: Extremely boring.
Echo: 无聊透顶。 (Wúliáo tòudǐng.)
David: Right. It’s not only 无聊。(Wúliáo.)
Echo: 对,透顶了。 (Duì, tòudǐngle.)
David: It’s really 无聊透顶. (Wúliáo tòudǐng.)
Echo: 对,就是到头了。 (Duì, jiùshì dàotóule.)
David: Right.
Echo: 到最高点了。 (Dào zuìgāo diǎnle.)
David: To the point where it cannot be any more boring.
Echo: 没错,太无聊了, 比如说婚后的生活对她来说无聊透顶。 (Méi cuò, tài wúliáole, bǐrú shuō hūn hòu de shēnghuó duì tā lái shuō wúliáo tòudǐng.)
David: Right. Her marriage was extremely boring. Her life was extremely boring after marriage.
Echo: 对,婚后的生活对她来说无聊透顶。 (Duì, hūn hòu de shēnghuó duì tā lái shuō wúliáo tòudǐng.)
David: Right. Next, let’s take a look at the word, to be solely engaged in something.
Echo: 净顾着。 (Jìng gùzhe.)
David: Right. So this is a verb.
Echo: 对,净顾着, 我们也可以把它分开来看,”净”就是全部, 只是怎么样, 然后 ”顾着” 呢就是顾着什么事.... (Duì, jìng gùzhe, wǒmen yě kěyǐ bǎ tā fēnkāi lái kàn,” jìng” jiùshì quánbù, zhǐshì zěnme yàng, ránhòu” gùzhe” ne jiùshì gùzhe shénme shì....)
David: Yeah.
Echo: 把时间把精力放在什么事上。(Bǎ shíjiān bǎ jīnglì fàng zài shénme shì shàng.)
David: Right. So the object or the activity we are going to put after this verb.
Echo: 对,净顾着工作。 (Duì, jìng gùzhe gōngzuò.)
David: To throw yourself into work.
Echo: 净顾着学中文。 (Jìng gùzhe xué zhōngwén.)
David: To throw yourself into studying Chinese.
Echo: 对。 (Duì.)
David: Or in the husband’s case, to throw oneself into playing 麻将. (Májiàng.)
Echo: 对, 净顾着玩麻将,这个在中国春节的时候很多人都会这样。 (Duì, jìng gùzhe wán májiàng, zhège zài zhōngguó chūnjié de shíhòu hěnduō rén dūhuì zhèyàng.)
David: Yes. And the next word here is the word for time.
Echo: 工夫。(Gōngfū.)
David: Time.
Echo: 工夫, 这个不是哪个中国工夫的功夫, 但是发音是一样的。 (Gōngfū, zhège bùshì nǎge zhōngguó gōngfū de gōngfū, dànshì fāyīn shì yīyàng de.)
David: Yes it’s the same sound as the word meaning kung fu.
Echo: 没错, 工夫。 (Méi cuò, gōngfū.)
David: Yes but it’s not kung fu here, it’s time.
Echo: 工夫, 这个地方是一个很口语的说法,有没有功夫。 (Gōngfū, zhège dìfāng shì yīgè hěn kǒuyǔ de shuōfǎ, yǒu méiyǒu gōngfū.)
David: For instance, do you have the time.
Echo: 你有功夫吗? (Nǐ yǒu gōngfū ma?)
David: Right.
Echo: 或者更多的情况说 你有功夫做什么事情吗?比如说如果你净顾着打麻将,就没有工夫陪老婆。 (Huòzhě gèng duō de qíngkuàng shuō nǐ yǒu gōngfū zuò shénme shìqíng ma? Bǐrú shuō rúguǒ nǐ jìng gùzhe dǎ májiàng, jiù méiyǒu gōngfū péi lǎopó.)
David: Right. If you are busy playing mah jong, you don’t have the time to accompany your wife.
Echo: 对。(Duì.)
David: Although I think this is sort of sexist because some of the most addictive Mahjong players I know are women, not men.
Echo: 也对,对对对!所以如果你净顾着玩麻将, 就没有工夫陪老公。 (Yě duì, duì duì duì! Suǒyǐ rúguǒ nǐ jìng gùzhe wán májiàng, jiù méiyǒu gōngfū péi lǎogōng.)
David: Well, we know what gender wrote this dialogue. We’ve got one more word we want to highlight which is to have no interest in something.
Echo: 对,爱答不理。 (Duì, ài dā bù lǐ.)
David: To have no interest in someone.
Echo: 爱答不理。 (Ài dā bù lǐ.)
David: To have no interest in someone.
Echo: 爱答不理, 这个更多就是说不理谁,不和谁说话。(Ài dā bù lǐ, zhège gèng duō jiùshì shuō bu lǐ shéi, bù hé shéi shuōhuà.)
David: Yes.
Echo: 而且别人跟你说话的时候你也不理他,不回答。 (Érqiě biérén gēn nǐ shuōhuà de shíhòu nǐ yě bù lǐ tā, bù huídá.)
David: Yes. You are not paying attention to them because they are extremely boring.
Echo: Hey!
David: Or you are busy.
Echo: 这个非常那个。 (Zhège fēicháng nàgè.)
David: You are busy playing Mahjong.
Echo: 唔,对,净顾着玩麻将。 (Wú, duì, jìng gùzhe wán májiàng.)
David: Let’s hear that one more time, to have no interest in someone.
Echo: 爱答不理。 (Ài dā bù lǐ.)
David: Right. So a sample sentence you might say, he often ignores me. I am already used to it.
Echo: 他经常对我爱答不理的,我都习惯了。Oh! (Tā jīngcháng duì wǒ ài dā bù lǐ de, wǒ dū xíguànle.Oh!)
David: So many sad sentences in this lesson.
Echo: 对。 (Duì.)
David: Don’t get…
Echo: 你看我都难过了。 (Nǐ kàn wǒ dū nánguòle.)
David: Anyway, don’t get depressed because we are going to try to make the grammar point really interesting to make up for this.
Echo: 对。(Duì.)

Lesson focus

David: It’s grammar time. So we decided we wanted a grammar point that was not extremely boring.
Echo: 唔,无聊透顶。(Wú, wúliáo tòudǐng.)
David: Right.
Echo: 稍为有聊一点点。 (Shāowéi yǒu liáo yī diǎndiǎn.)
David: Yeah. So Echo, what do we have here?
Echo: 今天我们的语法点是 除了...... 就是......。(Jīntiān wǒmen de yǔfǎ diǎn shì chúle...... Jiùshì.......)
David: So it’s a sentence pattern.
Echo: 对,关连词,除了...... 就是......。(Duì, guān liáncí, chúle...... Jiùshì.......)
David: Right and it means, if not A, then B.
Echo: 没错, 除了...... 就是......。在课文里我们是在这个句子里看到这个语法。除了吃就是睡。(Méi cuò, chúle...... Jiùshì....... Zài kèwén lǐ wǒmen shì zài zhège jùzi lǐ kàn dào zhège yǔfǎ. Chúle chī jiùshì shuì.)
David: Which describes my cat. If it’s not sleeping, then it’s eating.
Echo: 对,也可以 ….. (Duì, yě kěyǐ…..)
David: No, no, if it’s not eating, then it’s sleeping.
Echo: 除了吃就是睡, 跟猪差不多。(Chúle chī jiùshì shuì, gēn zhū chàbùduō.)
David: Yes. Or you could say, if it’s not biting, then it’s scratching.
Echo: 除了咬,就是抓。(Chúle yǎo, jiùshì zhuā.)
David: So this is a pretty simple construction.
Echo: 除了...... 就是......。(Chúle...... Jiùshì.......)
David: Echo, you’ve got some more complex examples for us though.
Echo: 唔, 没错, 比如说跟我们课文里有关系的,比如说他除了打麻将,就是看电视,没工夫陪我。 (Wú, méi cuò, bǐrú shuō gēn wǒmen kèwén li yǒu guānxì de, bǐrú shuō tā chúle dǎ májiàng, jiùshì kàn diànshì, méi gōngfū péi wǒ.)
David: If he’s now playing Mahjong and he is watching the television, he has no time for me that man.
Echo: 对了!他除了打麻将,就是看电视,没工夫陪我。 (Duìle! Tā chúle dǎ májiàng, jiùshì kàn diànshì, méi gōngfū péi wǒ.)
David: Yeah. You could also kind of translate it as also because it implies that he’s doing both activities.
Echo: 对。(Duì.)
David: You know in English, we are kind of one or the other, but in Chinese, it’s implying that he is doing both.
Echo: 对, 但是就是没有做别的事情的时间。(Duì, dànshì jiùshì méiyǒu zuò bié de shìqíng de shíjiān.)
David: Yeah, yeah. Let’s have one more example.
Echo: Okay 比如说 我觉得最幸福的除了下馆子,就是喝咖啡。(Bǐrú shuō wǒ juédé zuì xìngfú de chúle xià guǎnzi, jiùshì hē kāfēi.)
David: I think what’s most 幸福 is either
Echo: 下馆子。(Xià guǎnzi.)
David: Going to restaurants or drinking coffee.
Echo: 喝咖啡, 这个幸福定义很简单。(Hē kāfēi, zhège xìngfú dìngyì hěn jiǎndān.)
David: I think it’s because people who feel 无聊透顶。 (Wúliáo tòudǐng.)
Echo: 没错。 (Méi cuò.)
David: They look for stimulants outside like caffeine.
Echo: 对!唉....我们去喝一杯咖啡吧!(Duì! Āi.... Wǒmen qù hè yībēi kāfēi ba!)
David: If I weren’t to Europe, I would not be having coffee all day. Anyway, that’s our lesson for today. It’s a really simple sentence pattern.
Echo: 对!而且非常常用, 除了...... 就是......。(Duì! Érqiě fēicháng chángyòng, chúle...... Jiùshì.......)
David: Yeah. So try to work this into a conversation the next time you are speaking Chinese.
Echo: 对。(Duì.)
David: And it’s really easy. It’s going to stick really quickly.
Echo: 没错, 别人不会对你爱答不理的,如果你用这个词。(Méi cuò, biérén bù huì duì nǐ ài dā bù lǐ de, rúguǒ nǐ yòng zhège cí.)


David: Anyway that’s all the time we have for today. From Beijing, I am David.
Echo: 我是 Echo.(Wǒ shì Echo.)
David: Thanks for listening and we will see you on the site.
Echo: 我们网上见。 Bye bye. (Wǒmen wǎngshàng jiàn. Bye bye.)

